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Stuck, please help!

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I still don't know the "right" way of opening the gate, I turned invisible the first time and that seemed to work. You can also walk through the small gate on the right, and then jump over it while walking back (I think).

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Originally posted by Kimchi_C

I still don't know the "right" way of opening the gate, I turned invisible the first time and that seemed to work. You can also walk through the small gate on the right, and then jump over it while walking back (I think).


You got it - every time you walk through the small gate, the door moves (opens or closes). So only go through it once, it'll open, jump over the fence, and the big gate remains open. QED.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having issues with milkman conspiracy as well so I figured I'd just keep it in this thread. I've got the flowers and gotten into the graveyard as well, but the milkmans grave is covered in thorns and I have no idea how to get a gun. Any tips?

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  • 1 month later...
To get the rifle, you must first get the flowers and visit the milkman's grave in the graveyard. There will be a short cutscene when you are questioned by a gman, and then you will wake up back in Boyd's house, whom will give you the rifle.


If you need the flowers, go to the big garden place and get through the gate, there are a number of ways to do it. It's easier to use clairvoyance on the crow feather to see what you are doing, but it doesn't really matter.


So, I have the flowers, (and everything but the phone and the rifle) but can't figure out how to get past the vines. Ford tell's me (using the bacon) to use SHIELD to get past the sniper, but I don't have the rifle (which apparently I need). I seem to be missing something....I never got the above mentioned cutsceen from a Gman...did I miss a cinematic? Or was their some odd bug that I encountered? I get the whole FedEx idea of this level, but something's missing from the equation.


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