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Guest Bravo Leader

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Guest Bravo Leader

I am extremely new to this game, I just got it last week. Anyway, I am stuck on Prologue, Mission 4 "Sticking it to the Viraxo." I've read several strategy guides, and tried it many times, but I can't seem to beat it. It's the one where you have to join the "Andrasta" in an assault on Viraxo 54, while the "Venix" Drops off some spice, and you probably already know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I can take out the first six razors and the PES "Enkidu," Then I go one and take out their cargo vessels to reach the 25% ddestroyed mark. After that, I go and help the Andrasta with the incoming Razors, but then after Aeron ejects, the Andrasta just leaves, and I am stuck with all the fighters. By then, the Victory Class SD has come, and launched TIEs at me. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong, and give me a step by step as to how to beat this mission?

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Your having to much killing and not paying attention to what is happening.


After Aareon ejects and is picked up by Emon, you need to destroy the Venix/Sabra. Also, YOU need to survive, so once the Destroyer shows up, it MIGHT be a good idea to hyper out

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Guest Bravo Leader

I am (trying) to pay attention, however, maybe 85% of the time I play the level, Emon just leaves, and never picks Aeron up. I've tried blowing up the Venix, but then Emkay just yells at me and it says I failed the mission.

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Guest Young Yoda



I had heard of this before, Emon left caused by when Star Destroyer show up, I seem that one before first time, so you must destory fighters quickly as you can, After Emon will pick up Aeron before Star Destroyer show up, I know that I took too long, Star Destoryer show to cause Emon to leave, you must act very quickly.


Did you got that!

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Guest Fel Crynyd

Well Emkay can be a biacth but your brother has to be ok (no less than 25% hull other wies he quits) Also wait till Your sister says she is on board. Expolsion can hurt you now (it is a new thing in this series). Then blow it up (the Venix) and run (or stay behind and blow everything up and try for the General ranking).

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Guest Bravo Leader

Actually, I just beat the level. Funny. Thanks for the advice, but I finally beat the dumb thing. But I do have one question though. What causes engine wash, and how do I stop it?

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Normally it is just something that TG added so ppl do just sit behinf a CRV and pluck away at its blind spot. Also adds a little more realism. I remember take Engine was from the Exuctor in the one mission where you rescure Aaron. I think is was 2 Km away from the SSD at the time.

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Guest Bravo Leader

Thanks. What's with all these Jedi Padawan and Jedi Knight ranks that I see on under people's names?

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Guest Young Yoda

(gasp) 10000 POSTS! eek.gif WOW!!! that lot. Hmm, that going to have very long time, about years. smile.gif

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Guest Bravo Leader

Program a javascript applet to take control of your browser, and post 10000 times here, with the topic "Ignore this thread."

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Guest Fondas

Some have failed to notice Gold Leader's refined irony... rolleyes.gif



The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7



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