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Darkside Transitions Possibilities and Discoveries


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Making some test using KSE i have found that it is possible to make more darkside transition and make it even more subtle.


It is possible to make 4 different darkside skins for heads and 4 different portraits associated with them. IMHO i guess that the unused columns in Heads.2da (headtexg and headtexvg) were originaly designed for good and very good textures and can't be used.

From the test i have made while a texture name is present in those column the texture is not used in game, so i guess the management of those column have not been coded in game.


Here is an overview of the link between the good-evil points value and the column used for textures names in heads.2da and portrait.2da.


Good-Evil Points | Heads Column | Portraits Column


Darkside 1

40 | headtexe | baseresrefe

Darkside 2

30 | headtexve | baseresrefve

Darkside 3

20 | headtexvve | baseresrefvve

Darkside 4

10 | headtexvvve | baseresrefvvve

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

Excellent discovery :nut::thumbs1:

Thanks Darth Melignous :)

But since the lack of interest in this thread, well the lack of answers at least since there is more than 150 views, i don't know if this is such an excellent discovery... ???


Maybe we were the only two to not know that... :D

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Originally posted by lord_yig

Thanks Darth Melignous :)

But since the lack of interest in this thread, well the lack of answers at least since there is more than 150 views, i don't know if this is such an excellent discovery... ???


Maybe we were the only two to not know that... :D


Well now we are three :D


And this is an excellent discovery :thmbup1:

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Originally posted by lord_yig

Thanks Darth Melignous :)

But since the lack of interest in this thread, well the lack of answers at least since there is more than 150 views, i don't know if this is such an excellent discovery... ???


Maybe we were the only two to not know that... :D


No one knows everything (even if some people makes you wonder...) so it will no doubt be a useful post for some, even if they don't see the need to comment on it.


The problem (at least AFAIK) with using a too varied darkside transition on the head is that there is no corresponding darkside transition for the body models. For the "showing skin" models (underwear and normal clothes, dancer's outfit, jedi robes) there is only one slot for the normal look and one for the darkside texture variant in appearance.2da.


Thus you can't make the skin color change too much during the darkside transitions of the head or it will look odd when wearing any outfit that shows some non-head skin. :)

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Hee hee hee YUP :D been runnin' into that whole "hey why does her head look like its been loped off and stuck back on :D That was why. I adjusted the heads accordingly and it worked like a charm.


(This is really good I think for a "maul" tattooed character as well) as you don't have a "radical" change in his tats but can make it more gradual.


& @skoffe

Just thought I'd throw this in there after you helped me so much with your 2da question/post for me the other night. YOU SMART :D


Usually low post means "noob" like me. You sound like you have as much modeling knowledge and the like as the pros :D and thanks again for the help :D


BOT: I'm using the multiple trans. heads thang for my Darth Melignous character as well :D (the same as my avatar) (actually that IS him) :D Even though he doesn't change, the tattoos will along with his eyecolor


Again thanks Yig for finding this little tid bit :D Tasted good :D

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