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Question...experimental ties

Guest RDean

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Guest RDean

On the mission where you are supposed to capture all the experimental tie fighters I am having some trouble. After I disable all the experimental ties two assault shuttles begin to tear my wing apart. They kill pretty much all of my wingmen, and when I destroy them it says I can't reach mission objectives. I tried disabling them with the emp warheads, but it didn't appear to work. Any suggestions?

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Heh, well in this mission you are flying the Z-95 which is a very weakly armored craft.


Don't worry about disabling the Ties, jsut make sure you intercept the ones attacking the convoy and save you missiles. Once all the TIEs are either destroyed or disabled (remember to have 1 of each kind surviving) then it is time to attak the ATRs.


The trick to attacking turret craft, is to either use massive firepower (and decent shilds) or overwhelm the craft. have you wingman form up with you (use squadron commands) and then tell them to attack one of the ATRs. hang back a little, and once they start attacking try to get as clsoe as possible and let lose with 2 missles, and then follow up with a high rate of laser fire. If done correctly it should be destoryed (i am not sure you have to disable the ATRs, maybe it is a bonus, if yo need to, use 4 missles instead of 2)


the next one sould fall for the asme tactics. the main goal in the attack is to have your wingman attack first, then you....that way you should be able to survive without taking too many hits

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Guest Thrawn

also remember to keep balancing your shields

if the only thing left are the ATR's, switch ur sields to double front to keep the lasers from getting to your hull.

if u fly over ur target, switch to double back



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Guest garyah99

Actually, you have to capture one of the ATR's. Use hit and fade tactics to bribng down it's shields, then dual fire th eMag Pulse warheads to disable them. Don't forget, you can always go back to your mothership for a reload, if you need to.



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Guest Kyp Durron

Garyah is right, you need at least one of the ATRs disabled and captured. Destroy one of the ATRs first using the tactics described above. Now, for the second ATR, start off with the same tactics until it is DISABLED. As soon as it is disabled, order your wingmen to ignore the target. BE QUICK! I lost this mission several times because I wasn't fast enough on the ignore order and my wingmen kept blasting away 'til the second ATR was also destroyed.

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As soon as it is disabled, order your wingmen to ignore the target. BE QUICK! I lost this mission several times because I wasn't fast enough on the ignore order and my wingmen kept blasting away 'til the second ATR was also destroyed.

It's easier if you tell your wingmen to disable the ATR instead of just attacking it first...

While they are busy knocking its shields down, sneak up behind it and put a couple of Ion torps up its backside...

You don't actually have to bother about the second one unless it gets close to your transport tugs. All you have to do then is distract its fire until the tug is clear.



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