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Some story questions


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Does anyone have any information on the Ubese?? I know they are sworn to kill Jedi\Sith, but other than that I'm flying dark...

Are they human\alien? Why do they want to exterminate all jedi? How is their culture??


I have the same questions about the Massassi (not in Kotor, but what the heck...), the zal-Shey, and many other "factions"


If someone could enlighten me :)

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The Massassi I think were the slave race that Exar Kun used on Yavin 4 to build the temples that focused and enhanced his dark side energies.


The Ubese were the aliens that Princess Leia used their clothing for to infiltrate Jabba's Palace in ROTJ with Chewbacca in tow. She got that outfit when she visited Prince Xizor on Coruscant to get her through Imperial customs without them recognizing her as a rebel agent.

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