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stuck on nar shadda


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ok this is the first time I've encounted this problem but I'm to the point where atton should tell me that there is a message from visquis and then the droid displays it but i never happens and i can't enter the ebon halk so I'm running around with nothing to do cuz i've finished all the quests so what next

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I once encountered this as well after the Red Eclipse attack. You need to do a little more that either pleases or annoys the exchange. Then run around until you get the invitation from Visquis. These deeds will gain you favor with the exchange:




- Helping Oondar

- In the north part of the landing pad, a man is being harrassed by two exchange thugs. Suggest that the thugs sell him into slavery.

- Pay the toll to enter the refugee sector

- Convince Hussef to give in to the Exchange.

- After that go to Saquesh.

- Convince Lootra to join the Exchange. Say he should tell them that you sent him. (Or kill him).

- Convince Nadaa she should sell herself to Saquesh.

- After that talk to Saquesh about it.

- Take money from Kahranna, but lie about helping her. Share these credits with Saquesh.

- Suggest Saquesh kills the sick man.

- Convince Saquesh to give the refugees more room and say you will take care of the sick man.

- Buy Adana from Saquesh.




These will annoy the Exchange:



- Helping Geeda

- when doing so, tell Oondar "Go tell the Exchange - and give them my description. I'll be waiting."

- Interrupt the Exchange deal.

- Threatening Kodin to give you the droid.

- Kill the thugs that demand a toll to enter the refugee sector.

- Kill Saquesh.

- Force Persuade Saquesh to let Nada go.

- Suggest the Serroco attack the Exchange (unless you successfully force persuade them).

- Fight the Serroco.

- Convince the Serroco to give the refugees more room.

- Have Fassa hire Odis as a pilot.

- Get Kahranna off the planet by the Ithorian. (He is not honest, you have to see through his lies.)

- Bring Aida back to Lootra.

- Help Fossa with the freighters.

- Agree to help Vogga the Hutt.



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