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staying close to the wingman

Guest broham

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Guest broham

I wanted to find out if it was a good idea to stay close to your wingman and defend it, rather than go off and engage enemy ships yourself. In some instances, my wingman has been destroyed and I don't know if that affects my score or anything else.

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

In some misson you get penalty points for loosing your wingman...

I don't think that defending wingman is a good idea. It's much better to give him / her some task (ie. attacking distance target) or call for help.

In some mission you can save many wingmen if you do mission objective very fast...

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Guest garyah99

NO, it's not really a good idea to watch your wingman's back (unless you're in multiplayer). In single player missions, if you spend all your time defending your wingman you'll often miss the mission objective, which may be to guard a shuttle, or protect a convoy or whatever. Let him fend for himself.



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No, in Single player it is really usless to cover your wingman, the only time shuld be when you are ina furball, and nothing is attacking you, and you see one of your mates being attacked...THEN you can go after them


i usualy let them lead the charge and take most of the initial hits, and then use them to distract Cap ships, or enemy fighters


Now in Multi-player..that is completely different, 2 ships acting as one, do a lot better then 2 acting as 2



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Originally posted by broham:

I wanted to find out if it was a good idea to stay close to your wingman and defend it, rather than go off and engage enemy ships yourself. In some instances, my wingman has been destroyed and I don't know if that affects my score or anything else.



Single Player:


Only if your wingman is necessary for the missions sucess otherwise forget him.

They only steal kills and ruin your tactic by killing disabelt fighters.



Multi Player:


Yes stay close to your wing and you will be able to help each other if needed.

This is very important in a mixed ship fight. A team in a mixed melee who doesn't stays

together will be quickly slaughtered in many 1 vs 2 situations.


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Guest Sir Overkill

Although it has been said that you shouldn't guard your wingman. I'd like to add another reason. The AI is pretty dumb and he won't save you at least in Multi your wingman is competent (maybe). The best way to use your wingman is to have him watch you 6 oclock to save your butt if you get into a bad situation.



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Guest Marril

Antually, it can be a wise idea to save wingmen. They often even up odds in dogfights. In lots of missions, more than one squadron is fighting, so disabling one fighter and ordering your squadron off of it (I still crack up when they say "don't you believe in sharing?"), will only result in another squadron mindlessly blasting it to space dust. And have you ever tried some missions when you're on the offensive, single-handed? It's best to give yourself a bit of breathing space, and save your wingman. Well, this is all my opinion of course, but some of the reasons you've provided are a bit flawed. Though telling them to attack a capital ship and seeing them blasted can be fun, when more fighters come in, they target YOU. And I don;t care how good you are, having >12 fighters shooting at you at once is pretty bad odds. Not to mention they distract you from objectives. And who cares about stealing kills? Usually they're just for regular points, and bonus ones are universal (for extra destroyed guys). I, myself, would rather get additions to a Kalidor than a promotion to General. If you disgree with any of this, the fine, it's your opinion, I don't want to change it. But if you dislike it and flame me, well, then that's NOT fine.



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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Guest Thrawn

You wingmen are ig boys and girls. They can take care of themselves.



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Well saving your wingman sound nice in theory but doesn't work in practice.

Giving them usefull orders is an better option. You should be trying to

complete the objectives instead of saving your wingman. About the bonus points

atleast XvT had pilot specific bonus points.


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Guest Marril

Well, wingmen do help in assault missions, but if thre were points for saving them...


Also, in TIE Fighter, there was a mission where Tau 2 had to live. wtf is with that? (question is rhetorical)


Edit: fixed italics


[This message has been edited by Marril (edited June 07, 2000).]

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Originally posted by Marril:

Well, wingmen do help in assault missions, but if thre were points for saving them...



[This message has been edited by Marril (edited June 07, 2000).]


I always send them after fighters in assault missions. The AI is too stupid to kill

something with turrets.

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Guest Marril

Originally posted by ME_Jeldren:

I always send them after fighters in assault missions. The AI is too stupid to kill something with turrets.


That's what you're for. Besides, a lot of Interdictors were taken out with just the AI (and a few random laser showers from me, but the keyword is random...)



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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Originally posted by Marril:

That's what you're for. Besides, a lot of Interdictors were taken out with just the AI (and a few random laser showers from me, but the keyword is random...)


Hmm the AI suffers unbelivable casualties when they fight superace opponents with turrets.

They might take down a superace interdictor - but how many casualties will then suffer

when they do this? The best example is the mission with luke and the outrider. The AI

Y-Wing do nothing to beat the interdictor there. The same thing happens in skimish

missions unless you arm your craft with mag pulse warheads.



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Guest Marril

I just played the Surprosa mission, and all I did was get the wingmen against the fighters. When they was done I had them hit the VSD's shield generators. It's also a good thing Luke and Dash are invincible in that mission, theyd've died otherwise.


Anywho, the INT's shields were gone by the time I finally got around to having my wingmen take it out. A few ion cannon blasts...



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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Guest RDean

I just replayed this mission recently and my wingmen were worthless. They all got shot up while I single handedly wiped out the INT. I was the only y-wing to survive the mission. I think AI's STINK at hitting anything with turrets. All they can do is fly in and shoot all their warheads at a distance where they will surely be shot down before doing any good. The only reason they do any good at all is using them to distract the turrets while YOU do some damage. Anyway, that is just my experience.

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Guest Toscan

In many family missions Emon or Aaron are usualy immortal, so you don't have to pay attention to what's up with them

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Guest Marril

Still, immortality is running a bit cheap with the important charictors. I mean, if you have to save them, then why make them immortal? Or why not just make them fly the Sun Crsuher? That's (near-)invincible.

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Guest Kokeeno IOS

About saving Emon and Aeron - in v. 1.00 they weren't immortals, but these objectives were't remove in path 2.02 (bug?)

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