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lightsaber help!!!


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I'm assuming that you're referring to KotOR and not KotORII:TSL. If so the level cap is 20, therefore you cannot gain anymore levels. Since Jedi Classes earn the feats that you are looking for at level 1, you would need to have a level 19 soldier/level 1 jedi whatever in order to use a lightsaber, wear a robe, etc. KSE is a dangerous tool if you aren't careful. Hopefully this is something you can resolve without having to start your game over again. Good luck.

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In KOTOR 1, if your level is 19 and youre still on Taris or havent been to Dantooine and started your jedi training yet then dont level up until you become a jedi otherwise you will not be able to become force sensitive and wont be able to equip lightsabers or jedi robes or any of those things.


Its still possible to complete the game without them however but it does make things harder because the enimies are designed so that the best way to defeat them is with lightsabers and force powers and the general storyline assumes youre a jedi.


Also its better to be a jedi because then you get affect mind and dominate mind and can use force persuade to get alot of people to do what you want them to, especially a few stubborn hutts.


Just use a savegame before you get to level 20 if you dont wanna risk using KSE.

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