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Ship variations?

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it would be neat to see different payloads on crafts


the same thing could be done for regular units



the missile trooper could change warheads at a ammo droid from anti vehicle (small splash, high damage, quick speed, homing) to a anti personel round (high splash, lower speed, no targeting ability, only if a troopers missile is in flight: instead of launching a grenade right mouse is clicked in that instance would detonate the rpg,)


would also like to see map specific units


more than six units could be used by the game

ex: on a no plane map and engineer would be used instead of a pilot with his own special abilities and weapons


or on a hallway map no rocket trooper or jettrooper

as why would they have an anti vehicle unit in a situation where there's no vehicles and a flight unit where theres no room to fly

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