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Achilles' Lab Bench Mod is now available

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From the readme:


Achilles' Lab Bench Mod

created by: Achilles




Why is it that you can only make some implants at the lab bench? And why is it that you can only make mediocre-at-best implants even though your Treat Injury skill is maxed through the roof? You call +2 STR a D-Package?! I don't think so. This mod allows you to make all implants at the lab bench, but don't fret: I did make it easy (Universal D-Package requires a level 49 Treat Injury skill and costs over 9000 chemicals).


Note: To make room for all the implants, I moved health packs under Stimulants.





chemicalcreate.2da ----------.2da file that determines which items are available at the lab bench







Installation and Uninstallation:


To install put the in the override folder.


To uninstall remove the file.


How it Works:


If you know how to use the lab bench, you'll have no problems with this one. If you don't the game has tutorials built into the lab bench dialog.


Known Issues:






Thanks to Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool and Redhawke for his research into TSL .2da files. A huge thanks goes to Tk102 for his 2da Read/Write macro. I love all my new toys!


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*looks at Envida's mod for first time*


Well, at first glance:


1) His was made by him. Mine was made by me.


2) His readme is prettier than mine.:mad:


3) His was released in February and mine was released in May.


4) He included a .kmm file is his download. I didn't.


But more seriously:


5) He's altered the chemical cost of the implants and I have not.


6) He appears to have used a fairly static skill threshold, whereas I have pretty much followed OE's formula.



I'm really glad that worked for you Achilles. I was beginning to question the macro's usefulness.

*Embarrassed* Err...yeah, it has an icon on my quick launch toolbar. I'm pretty sure that I've modified just about every .2da file in the game using this. Can't wait to get my hands on K1 and start making changes over there.
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