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Smoothing out a model part...


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I still can't figure out how to get the KotOR models into a program I know how to use so could someone help me out with a little problem??


I've been trying but I can't successfully smooth out the collar on this model so I can make collarless clothes. See pic:



Thanks for any help!


Edit: the model I need smoothed out is the underwear model used in both K1 & K2: PFBAS.mdl

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I dunno anything about Lightwave so I can't help you there :(


To convert models into lightwave format (whatever it is...) get a hold of 3d Exploration... search for it on Google. That prog is the best if you use multiple modelling progs that don't support the same formats :)

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My weapon of choice is discreet modeling packages. It been awhile since I’ve used Lightwave it was version 4 or 5 back then.. but I can tell you how to do it in In gmax / or 3ds max.


.obj can be exported with the obj exporter for gmax or if you have 3dsmax you can use it to save the file out as .obj , however I’m not sure if this will work the model still has to maintain it’s stack you still have to have the skin mesh on top weighed if you export to .obj I’m not sure if it will keep it’s higherarchy and weights . The Dev’s built there models in 3ds max 3 from what I read so what better way to add our own models in the game then using the same package? with the nwmax suite plug-in we can.


If your interested in doing it in [g]max then fallow below if not try the exporter and see if it works


http://www.davidhsmith.net/Essential_Tools.htm this site looks promising for go between plugs or tool you may need


If you haven’t yet, right click the name of your view port and turn on edged faces. Operations like this can get real messy if you can’t see your mesh.


I would work in perspective and arc rotate around your model to make this go a bit faster.

To add to your selection hold Ctrl and click ‘n drag to remove from your selection hold Alt and click ‘n drag.

Looks like the collar is extruded out a touch to form a true collar on the model. Work in the editable mesh of your stack on the Torso mesh, most likely you won’t have to edit uv ‘s for the texture / skin to still work.


Very carefully with ignore back facing checked on zoom in and on the under side where the shadow is visible I would select 2 verts at a time, on the bottom of the extrusion. One from where it was extruded out, and one from where it is now. In line with the vertical lines of the mesh, and hit [collapse] on them. Do each set all the way around. It may take a while but if you are careful it should turn out fine just make sure that you haven’t accidentally selected verts on the back side when doing this, so stay in default layout all 4 view ports, and you can scan them to make sure you didn’t select the odd vert on the foot or leg when collapsing. When your done you may want to select all verts that you collapsed and use a uniform scale on them. and scale them up a bit so the line of the neck still flows. Or non uniform on the xy in the perspective should expand only with out moving the vert’s up as well.


hope this helps and my basic diagrams make sense.


Basically it's a profile of what you have to do to each set of vert's that make up the extrusion.


[[i]pc Head [/i]                                                
----[color=sky blue].[/color] 

with collapse these vert’s become one

[i]pc Head[/i]
----[color=sky blue].[/color]

[i]pc Head[/i]
----[color=sky blue].[/color]
  -[color=red].[/color]  -->      

 Then you want to scale them out like this                                                 



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