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MI2 Sound

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Hi all,


I've got an official release, which is MI1 and MI2 on one CD. It's one of those CDs that you put in, it comes up with a choice of 3 sound options then you just pick the game you want to play.


I don't have a Soundblaster card but thats the one most relevant to mine, so I choose that and play MI1. With that, sound is fine, and plays top notch sounds. But when I do the same with MI2, nothing comes out - so I change it to Internal Sound Card (just a series of beeps) and that cooperates with MI2 - trouble is, I can't stand playing the game with just beeps for sounds! Nothing else!!


Is there a way around it? The sound options are:


- Internal sound card/No sound card

- Soundblaster

- Roland port.....


Soundblaster works lovely on MI1, but not at all with MI2 that I really wish to play!!




Thanks lads

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I choose the path as Monkey Island 2 folder on the disc (only two folders, one for each game), and when it loads up it gives me that crappy Lamo-Copy prevention with the passcodes.


The ones from back when you had the manual with the Amiga.


Problem is, you don't get that with the CD!!



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Yeah, it works with any numbers. rather than get rid of the lamo-protection thing for the CD version, all Lucas Arts did was have a piece of coding in there to bypass it. ScummVM somehow works around this coding and brings it up again, but any numbers work for it. If you had problems with MI1 and used scummVM q+e for that, you'd get the similar copy protection thing, but again, any numbers would do.

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Ah ha! Got it working nice and mighty fine...


1 final question mate, before I stop bothering you all:


What is the button, if there is one on is Scumm machine, to skip a line of text if you've read it (or indeed remember it from a decade ago!!)


PS. Lovely site you got here, top notch!

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Thanks, I'm not the owner, I just moderate.


I think you can hit the period key ( . ) or the escape key to bypass dialogue. Otherwise, clicking the left and right mouse buttons together usually does the trick (something I remember from the old manual :p). Enjoy!

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Couldn't have done it without you mate!!


Top dog!!


Thanks alot, really appreciate the help!


How long you reckon it'll take in hours for me to complete it?? I'll let you know how I got on.... keep in mind I have completed it a few times before now in the last 12 or so years!

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