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strange.... (mouse flashes)


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Tell us the make and model of your mouse.


Have you updated its software drivers lately? Is it connected properly?


Also, what monitor are you using and what video card? (got the latest drivers for that too?)


That info might help people diagnose the problem...

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I've recently run into a similar problem though much worse. Ever since I've update my video card drivers (Nvidia GeForce 7772 for WinXP) the game screen freezes while it flashes altogether.


If I roll back to the driver I had previously 7189 or something the problem doesn't happen or not as much. Since drivers keep getting updated with new stuff that overwrites older things games like this might use and since this game is no longer updated or supported with these changes I fear the game will become altogether unplayable at some point. For me it already is, unless I continue to roll back and reinstall the drivers every time I want to play JKA or a brand new game.


It's weird though other older games I have don't give me this kind of trouble that I've noticed yet.

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