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Eclipse II Super Star Destroyer

Guest Zraii

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Guest Zraii

I got a copy of an XWA OPT for the Eclipse II

Super Star Destroyer. A not so well designed opt but good enough for me. But i think there is one problem with it. It's not the real size. The original ESSD II was the double size of a SSD, that will say 17.5 Km long.

I compared the ship with XWA's SSD and they where almost the same size.

If any one could help me configure the ESSD II opt please post and i'll send you the OPT.

And even if you can look better that is also a good help.



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No, this fals under the SSD 8KM fallicy. If you go look at the movie ESB you will clearly see that the Executor is about 11 ISD lenths, and we all know that an ISD is 1 mile long. so the SSD is actually 17.6km, and the ESD is about the same if not smaller. The ESD makes it up in bulk, and a superlaser


Vader: My Ship is longer


Palapitine: My Ship is Taller


Vader: My ships has countless Turbo Lasers, and Hundreds of fighters to serve my every need.


Palapitine: Mine has a superlaser


Vader: My Ship has Multiple sensor Globes to fully harness the awsome fire power of my ship


Palapitine: I just Ram anything i cannot hit.


Taarkin: I have a Battle station


*Plapitine and Vader look at Taarkin, look at eachother*


Vader and Palapitine: Kill Him!

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Guest Zraii

Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

No, this fals under the SSD 8KM fallicy. If you go look at the movie ESB you will clearly see that the Executor is about 11 ISD lenths, and we all know that an ISD is 1 mile long. so the SSD is actually 17.6km, and the ESD is about the same if not smaller. The ESD makes it up in bulk, and a superlaser


Your information is false. An ISD is 1.6 km long. And the SSD is about 5 times the size of the ISD and that makes the SSD about 8km long. And the ESSD is about 11 times the size of a ISD and the double size of a SSD

and that also makes the ESSD 17.5km long.

This information was taken from Star Wars Encyclopedia, by Stephen J. Sansweet, if you care to check it out.


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Guest decoy

I'm not going through this again Zraii, believe me K is right the SSD is 17.6 km if you want to know more about it check the "i like long threads" post at the XWL here and there are more like these all proving the SSD was 11 times as big as an ISD.




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

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This has been gone over many-a-time. I once belived it to be so, but after watching ESB and seeing the sheer size of the Executor to the ISD there is only one conclusion. Bigger is better

Here is what im talking about. There is no way you can prove that a ISD is a fifth of the size of the Executor.


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If anyone can get their hands/paws/talons (or whatever pseudopodia you prefer) on a copy of the (now out-of-print) Dark Empire Sourcebook from WEG, there's a size comparison chart somewhere in it with the silhouettes of the ISD, the SSD, the Dungeon Ship, the World Devastator, the Sovereign, and the Eclipse (I). I've been assuming that the Eclipse II is about the same size as the Eclipse, just with a different spaceframe.


As far as size, the Eclipse should live up to its name; dwarfing even the SSD. But then, all the cap ships in XWA are too small. frown.gif



"Abandon head!!!"


[This message has been edited by Flying Beastie (edited April 28, 2000).]

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Guest decoy

Don't trust WEG, i learned not to since alot of stuff just isn't correct according to the movies. And since the movies are actualy the thing that started it the sizes the movies use are the correct ones. Now for the Eclipse it is actualy a litle smaller than the SSD take a look at this




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

"Only feel sorry about things you didn't do"

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Guest Fel Crynyd

what ESSD II do you have i have the NCA patch and in one of Ms. Tallon's missilon you hyper in and see the ESSD two ISD and a SSD the SSD dosen't even come close i can see all of it iand about 1/6 of the ESSD! I think it is a little to big!!!

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