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Models Request

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It would be cool if somenone remake the models of the jedi and the sith from Jk2 ( shaak ti, eeth koth, coleman trebor, ploo koon, saesee tiin, kit fisto, mace windu, yoda,yaerel poof,exar kun palpatine).


To my mind ( i m not a modeler so dont say that im a noob if its impossible ) , it would be easier if someone put JA 3d skeleton on these JK2 models so as to erase the glitches ....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adi gallia and Shaak ti have been made ...


the list is now :


Eeth Koth

Coleman Trebor

Plo koon

Saesee tiin

Kit Fisto

Mace Windu ( i think this model is being made by Hapslash but im not sure )


Yaerel Poof

Exar Kun


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