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sound effects


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i've been collecting star wars sound effects to contribute to a sound archive for fan film makers, and while i do not own battlefront, i have noticed from the demo on my star wars dvd that there are some hard to get sounds in the game. is there somebody who'd be willing to extract the sound effects from the game and send them to me?


all i want are blaster shots and blaster bolt impact sounds.

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that'd be great if you could get those sounds for me. i've been trying to get sounds from all kinds of games to add to a sound archive (http://boards.theforce.net/Fan_Films/b10015/20495395/p1). i've already gone through galactic battlegrounds, knights of the old republic, jedi outtcast, and jedi academy. but i noticed (from a demo) that in battlefront, when a blaster bolt hits something, the sounds are actually prequel-style lightsabre clashes, the kind that are impossible to find without ripping audio from the movies themselves (complete with dialogue, ambient, music, and other sounds, which makes for a pretty useless sound).


by the way, i've asked at 4 or 5 other boards, and this is litterally the first time i've gotten a response.

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if it's anything like the other games, it should be just a matter of finding whatever archive file they're using that has the sounds in it, and finding something that'll open it.


the easiest one is jedi outcast, all you do is change ".pk3" to ".zip" and you can do whatever you want. but kotor and galactic battlegrounds both took special extractors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if only it were just zips and folders like in jedi outcast. i've actually replaced 20 or so sounds in that game, they're so easy to access. except for a couple, which are wavs with a bitrate of 352kbps, my audio prgrams only go to 320. know anything about that?

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