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Can't have multiple game files?


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My friend rented KOTORII and said that he tried to start another game, but it ended up deleting his original.


Why is this?


Assuming you refer to savegames, did he press the Switch Characters button on the savegame screen? Savegames are grouped by the name of the Exile, and that button cycles through the different characters' save games.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I found that you can have multiple games. However, only one of them will have quicksave and autosave slots. this is really annoying because those slots "waffle" between the different games. Example: Lets say you start one game and play for 4 hours and quick save. Then your son starts his own game, plays for 15 minutes and quicksaves. When you go back to your game, your quicksave will have gone to data heaven. Then you will yell at your poor son until you realize it wasn't his fault that you wasted all that time, it was just a design flaw in the software.

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Hardly a design flaw FG, how is it the game makers fault that you don't save your games manually? It even says so in the TSL game itself, in the text that comes up during area transitions. "Save often and use multiple save slots..."


Autosaves are not supposed to be used for saving progress through the game, they are simply meant to be a sort of safety catch so that you won't lose much of your game if a crash or death happens.


If you have played KOTOR I it was much worse as all the saves were grouped together, TSL is a marked improvement at least with organizing it's savegames.

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I love using the F4 quick saves before pivotal moments with out having to back myself out of the game experience to manually save. That being said, It is true that I should have manually saved. However, how hard would it be for Obsidian to have included quick save and auto save slots for a few different game save groupings? That way, two people could play their respective games and still take advantage of quick save and auto saves independant of one another. Maybe not a "flaw" persay but an omission that IMHO takes away from the gaming experience.

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I love using the F4 quick saves before pivotal moments with out having to back myself out of the game experience to manually save.

There is no backing out of anything, you can indeed use the autosave just as you are... just don't rely on it to save your game to progress through the story, especially if sharing the machine with others.


You use the autosave as you go through the game yes, but when you are done for the session always make a new save slot or save over one of your old ones, the same goes for your son. When you begin your next session you start with your last personal save... all to easy! :vadar:


That being said, It is true that I should have manually saved.

Yup! Saved you a lot of pain, it would! :yodac:


However, how hard would it be for Obsidian to have included quick save and auto save slots for a few different game save groupings?

The game is based off the NWN engine, and I believe it too had a single autosave slot. Remember, OE did not create the game engine, they only tweaked what Bioware had made for the first KOTOR, the way save games were in KOTOR I shows that OE did indeed improve the save system by allowing for a difference between characters in K2:TSL, but to implement additional autosave slots in the limited production time thay had is neigh impossible.


That way, two people could play their respective games and still take advantage of quick save and auto saves independant of one another. Maybe not a "flaw" persay but an omission that IMHO takes away from the gaming experience.

All this is completely unecissary. Seriously, saving to your own save slot before exiting the game takes a few seconds. Why do they need to make seperate autosaves? When everyone can use the same autosave slot whilst they are playing, but save to their personal slot(s) when they are done with their session. :D

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