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"Pump the Fuel to the Ship" in Nar Shaddaa - Starport????Help!!

Kay Skywalker

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I am not very good...ok REALLY bad at this game so when I play it I have to use the Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast Walkthrough / FAQ...all the time. But that is still fuzzy for me sometimes.




I already have "Opened the Roof Sections", by Force Pulling Or Pushing the red box and crawled down there and turned on the five buttons down there. Then Lando said to pump the fuel to the Ship. I don't know how to do this!!!!!!!

I am stuck in the Hanger where the Lady Luck is. I am right next to what I think are the fuel tanks with symbols on them and these small cylinder stumps with symbols on them. How do I make this work? How do I Pump the Ship with Fuel?


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I have not played this game for a while, but I believe the switches are on top of the huge tanks outside. Match the symbols on those "small cylinder stumps" with a symbol on a switch to activate a fuel pump.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
Yes if u go to lando's ship and find the pipes that r conected to the ship look on them u should find the symbols need to refuel the ship

Hoped that helped


The contols dont work to refuel. What am I doing Wrong? Please help, thank you in advance.

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Nar Shadda Starpad [3 Secrets] {ns_starpad}

>>Current Force Powers: PUSH 1, PULL 1, JUMP 2

>>Force Upgrade: SPEED has increased to level 2, and MIND TRICK is now

available at level 1.

>>Objectives: Find Lando's ship, the Lady Luck.


To start, just follow Lando to his ship, the "Lady Luck". Start running

up the ramps, and at the top take out a Gran... from there just follow Lando

(you'll have to hit the switch on a lift). Stay in this control room until he

finishes speaking ("How's it look?"), otherwise a door down below won't open.

Those two platforms in this room that look like lifts are... later, when you're

running around on the catwalks outside, you'll pass the doors for these lifts,

but there's no way to call them. C'est la vie...

Once Lando has finished with his speech, there are two ways to go...

back down the glass corridor, or down the lift in here. If you go back down the

corridor, wait down below in the area where you killed the Gran (with the two

doors) until Lando mentions the safeties. If you take the lift... get on the

lift to the right of the door (the one without the Bacta) - at the bottom, exit

and you'll see a bridge with a locked door at the other end... across the bridge

and slash through the lock, bringing you back into the room where you killed the


From the corridor - the door you need to go through is the one on the

right as you come back down; from outside it's the one on your left. Through

that door - after Lando mentions the safeties - and into a room with a big red-

rimmed hole in the center. Through the door on the other side, and into a dark

room... you'll need to use your Light Amplification Goggles in here. Down to the

right is a short black container you can JUMP up on, then continue winding your

way through this room (ducking through that small arch, of course) to a door

leading to the outside (shut off the Goggles at this point).

Straight ahead from you out here - across the chasm - is a walkway and a

door, which leads into the starpad... but of course you need to take the long

way around. After you kill and slash in this cargo area, head down that catwalk

with the oval cutouts... on your left as you go is a door (which won't open now)

leading to one of the roof sections.

At the end of the catwalk, watch out... snipers, and Turrets which are

giving Lando problems. In the door, kill everyone, through the next hall (watch

out for the snipers firing on you from the windows at the end) and out the

door... straight ahead is a platform sticking out into space, get on that and

turn left.

JUMP up to where the Turrets are and take them out... then into the room

and kill off the Baddies in here. Out the door - this is the hall where those

snipers were firing through the windows earlier - and down the next hall, into

the next room... of the three doors in here, only the center one will open;

through that and up to the end. Hit the switch there, and get ready for Secret


[secret 1] JUMP up through the glass ceiling (it'll take a little work)

and along it to a ledge on the right at the end. Get the Secret, then back down

through the glass ceiling.

In the room with the three doors (ignore the door under the glass

ceiling room at the bottom of the slope; you can't open that now), go through

the left door and get ready for Secret 2.

[secret 2] as soon as you get out the door, look right and up... you'll

see a short darkened slope - you've got to get up there. Your best bet is to go

down the ramp some, turn and face that slope, then SPEED + JUMP up to that

darkened slope; from there, JUMP up to the darkened ledge above for the Secret


Once you've finished with Secret 2, head along the catwalk... watch out

for snipers firing from the other side of the chasm. That big octagonal

structure ahead is a fuel tank; go around it to the right to collect items and

kill off Bad Guys. Once all the way around it, you'll be on a short connector

bridge: facing down the chasm, ahead and on the left is where you hit Secret 2,

and ahead on the right is a walkway along a building, with a door... that leads

into the Starpad, but of course it won't open right now.

You'll have a pair of pipes overhead, with a fuel tank on either side -

the one on your right is what you'll need to get up on later to open the fuel

valves. Go around that tank to the right (counterclockwise), and down a darkened

passageway... you'll pass a door on the right (which won't open) which leads to

the other set of roof controls, and then you'll pass one of those lift doors

from the control room where you started; if you came down the lift, this is it.

To your right is that bridge with the locked door at the end, and straight ahead

is a large lift which opens on to the Starpad.

As soon as you hit that lift, Checkpoint. Be careful in this hanger,

because you need to keep Lando alive, which isn't very easy on the harder

difficulties. Run down to the back end of the ship to that door... Bad Guys will

come pouring in (note that when the door opens, you'll see a short bridge

extending to connect to the walk out here... across it is that glass ceiling

room from earlier). Once they're dead, run back to the other end of the hanger

and take out all the Bad Guys before they take out Lando.

Once everybody (except Lando) is dead, head up into the ship... you'll

hear Lando say that there's a problem ("So what's new?"). Note: if Lando gets

stuck in the hanger at any point, use PUSH or PULL on him to get him moving

again; he needs to get into the ship in order to continue. Once he's made his

speech, head around to the right side of the ship to check out the fuel

valves... the gray valve is a yellow 'x', while the red valve is a broken circle

with a slash through it.

Out the door at the base of the ship's ramp, and head left - watch out

for snipers. Straight ahead are two fuel tanks - the one on the left is what you

need to get up on, but you don't have enough JUMP to get straight up there.

Instead, get on one of the footings of the right-hand tank, and from there JUMP

up on the pipes and across to the other tank. Use the two valves up here,

changing the gray to a yellow 'x', and changing the red to a broken circle with

a slash through it... your Datapad will update when you've got it right. You

need to go back into the hanger to get to the roof controls, but first go get

Secret 3.

[secret 3] from the tank with the valves, get across to the top of the

other tank (cross the pipes and JUMP up)... straight ahead across the way is a

darkened ledge which is Secret 3.

Back inside the hanger, on the right side of the ship is a pile of

crates... they can be blown up (or slashed) to reveal a grate in the floor;

slash that and drop in. At the end of this low tunnel i one of the roof control

rooms. There are five switches in here: one where that Rodian is firing at you,

and four others, one each at the half-pipes. You need to hit the four at the

pipes before you can hit the one on the separate control panel. To get back to

the hanger, either drop back down the hole you came through, or out the door -

that leads back to that darkened hall you went through before getting to the


Back in the hanger, on the other (left) side is a single crate against

the wall... PUSH it to reveal another floor grate. Through that tunnel and out

into the other roof control room, and again do the five switches. The door in

here leads back out to that catwalk with the oval cutouts, so you might be

better off going back through the tunnel.

Back in the hanger, get into the ship and up into the cockpit... just to

the left of the door is a gun control which you'll need.

After the brief cutscene, 'use' the gun controls and take out all the

Bad Guys outside. Be warned: the ship will start taking damage as soon as you

open fire, but most of the time you'll have no problem. Once they're all dead,

the level ends.

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