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The Place to Play X-Wing Alliance and X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter!


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As many of you may or may not know, XvT and XWA were played on the MSN Gaming Zone. However, over a year and a half ago Microsoft "cleaned out" all the old games. However, there still is a place to play thanks to a dedicated gamer named Stressor. He's created a gaming client that can support XvT, XvT:BoP, and XWA. It's a neat place. All the old zoners now flock there and play in all the tournaments and wars that are STILL going on!


Here's the link to the gaming client. It's called Errant Venture. http://ccanuk.brinkster.net/xvt/redist.zip


You'll need to unzip it!


I hope to see some new faces to this timeless community!



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  • 7 months later...

Ok, so I have errant thingy up and running and I'm on the default server. However, there doesn't appear to be anyone about...


Where's the best place to find out when people are playing?


I'm based in the UK so it's probably more practical to play with europeans due to the time difference.


Thanks for any advice!

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