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No more choosing the Light or Dark Side in-game

Emperor Devon

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I am of the opinion that neutral force powers should be granted per level up, but aligned force powers should be learned in some manner or another rather than just granted. So you could have an option to learn certain force powers according to how strong your alignment is (how many alignment points you have), for example (and only an example), kill at 50%, force storm at 75%, and force crush at 100% DS alignments, respectively. The same for the light side. With the majority (the non-spectacular) of the aligned force powers being learnable at certain levels, the ones learnable at certain alignment levels would be the cooler powers as a sort of alignment reward. As an added bonus, if your alignment changes you don't lose the knowledge of the powers you've learned as alignment bonuses but you do lose the ability to use the powers. I don't know how difficult it would be to incorporate into the game, but it makes a certain sense to me.

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I think it would be quite hard to implement for Neutral characters like Jolee and Kreia. They do lean slightly to the dark or to the light, but not enough to get any kind of powers beside the neutral ones.

A character like that would be at a severe disadvantage.


I always manually leveled Jolee so he had whatever powers I wanted him to have that he never used anyway lol. Kreia I always auto level. She never uses any powers except protections and speed she can cast on the PC anyway. So as far as they go they don't need any "prestige" type powers. It would make it more difficult for a neutral PC, but so what? You don't get a prestige class in K2 if you're PC is neutral (and all the cool stuff a certain mod gets you if you have that installed), which makes K2 a little more difficult as a neutral. So I don't really see a problem. And it might make it a little more interesting and repalyable as a neutral PC if certain powers are unattainable.

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