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A Small Local Update

El Virus

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Okay, there are some things which I think would be nice to tell in this forum, as itthey have to do with Grim Fandango.

On the past few months I've noticed a few things which concern this amazing game (to my surprise) down in my country.


1-Around my block, by the bus stop, there is a small graffiti of what seems to be the face of Manny.


2- I have noticed that a very popular show in my country passes very short and low pieces of the GF music. So far I think I've heard Casino Calavera, High Roller, and some others which I still don't know which they are.


3-For some reason, a bunch of music shops called Musimundo, who also sell videogames, have started to sell the old Lucasarts adventure games. Currently, they have Full Throttle (Which I expect to buy any time soon) and the Indiana Jones games.


I think there was something else I needed to post here, but I can't seem to remember.

Anyway, that's it.

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