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Join the Rebellion


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Did you love playing the X-Wing Series multiplayer until they took it off from the zone? Well find your copies of X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance because there is a new place to play.

http://ccanuk.brinkster.net/xvt/redist.zip) where we meet to play (not only TRA (http://www.darkjedi.org/club/TRA) but all other clans aswell) such as the infamous TFA, NRN, EH and many others.


If you are intested in our clan (http://www.darkjedi.org/club/TRA) all you need to do is enlist here (http://www.darkjedi.org/club/TRA/enlist), please list mjr6988 as your recruiter and become apart of our marevlous organiaztion


I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have, just reply to this thread



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  • 4 months later...
I would like to join someones clan and play online, but I'm new to online gaming, and don't really know what to do after the file is downloaded and unzipped... Any help here would be great!




Try double-clicking on "sample" to run the programme and then register to join the lobby.



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