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Help with Handmaiden


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The "Atris" dialog tree basically get shut down after you have more than 69% or less than 31% influence over Handmaiden. IIRC, if you make it one of the first things you talk about, you will eventually get to the end of the conversation and any response that you offer (regardless of alignment) will gain you influence with her.


If you want the exact path, let me know and I'll post it when I get home tonight.

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Probably because you have more than 69% influence with her by the time you meet up with Visas :D


Assuming that you want the most Light Side-ish responses possible, you'd probably end up with:


"I wanted to ask you about Atris."

"She made her feelings clear at my trial."

"Well, we didn't part on the best of terms."

"No, Atris was a Jedi, I did not feel for her that way."

"Sometimes, yes. It happens."

"No, not personally."

"If you have any others, you are always welcome to ask."

After she replies to your last response, you can either keep going or end the conversation.

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Why? This dialog choice is only necessary IF you're playing Dark Side and IF you're trying to take Handmaiden to 90+ without incurring any Lightside points.


The two INF gains you have during her intro on the Hawk will take you to 66. The duels alone will get you to the 90 you need to train her.


The only other possible reason you would have to restart the game is just to see what it says. While I encourage replay, I think you might be taking it a little too far. Trust me, you're not missing much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

sorry for the interruption...this is kind of glitch i get involving handmaiden...i fought her to gain her influence, but most of the time i get the Invulnerable handmaiden, her life point didn't decreased abit... maybe i missed some discussion on this, but i really need the help on her...and also i need some hint on turning into Dark Jedi, my goal in my play now....

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sorry for the interruption...this is kind of glitch i get involving handmaiden...i fought her to gain her influence, but most of the time i get the Invulnerable handmaiden, her life point didn't decreased abit... maybe i missed some discussion on this, but i really need the help on her...and also i need some hint on turning into Dark Jedi, my goal in my play now....


I've seen this a few times. Its almost surely a bug/glitch. I always needed to restart from a previous savepoint and it usually clears it up. Try a previous save, hopefully you have one that is not too far away. If that save point doesn't fix it, try an earlier one. Save early, save often. I'm a pretty dedicated lightsider so I don't have much input on DS stuff.

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