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SWG is Everquest in space


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Well with the recent things on rangers it is clear what SOE and LA's agenda is. They want SWG to be EQ3.


Rangers are becoming more like thieves/rogues then true rangers. Thousands of posts on the ranger forum about how the masses wanted ranger fixed and this is what they come up with?


Foraging being removed. This will make fishing next to impossible. Tracking gone.


Ranger Everquested


I am done. I will never ever play this game again. Shoot I decided after this junk I will never play another SOE or LA product again. I only hope it will crash and burn. I hope SOE and LA both lose everything. I hope all the developers wind up flipping burgers forever.



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Its both screwing up. I seriously doubt Lucasarts lets SOE do this all unchecked. They are both at fault. Murdering continuity, ripping apart the parts of the game people actually enjoyed. This is nuts.


And this isnt worth it. Either George is asleep or completely ignoring what is happening to his universe in this game.



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Its both screwing up. I seriously doubt Lucasarts lets SOE do this all unchecked. They are both at fault. Murdering continuity, ripping apart the parts of the game people actually enjoyed. This is nuts.


And this isnt worth it. Either George is asleep or completely ignoring what is happening to his universe in this game.




I think that they will consult with LA but not much more.


Anyway, why does you not liking SWG mean you will never play another LA product?

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Sounds like a great profession. I think it would be neat. But it should be seperate. A new profession. Not kill one of the only professions left I enjoyed just for the sake of another anti-jedi profession. Rangers are hunters. Not spies. They should have made this new spy thing a completely different profession and fix the current ranger to be a good hunter.


And after reading the roles for everyone after the CU I can see clearly they want this game to be EQ3 for sure. They are listing Smugglers as mezzers. MEZZERS???? EQ2 Swashbucklers. That is it. They are making this game as close to "EQ and WoW in Space" as possible.


They saw WoW made so much money so they think by emulating them close as possible they will get that many subscribers too. Maybe if they realized that alot of people arent playing because this game is so UN-Star Wars it isnt even funny anymore, then they would get the players they want.


I played this game since release. Having faith some day the developers would pull their heads out and realize what Star Wars was. Hoping they would stop making mistakes and stop lying on a regular basis. Praying they would stop wasting time trying to come up with new ways to murder the continuity.


Now I feel like a dang fool for wasting this much time. On SOE and LA. That is why I wont buy either companies' products ever again. And I will try to dissuade any and everyone that is even remotely considering buying a SOE or LA product.



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Its both screwing up. I seriously doubt Lucasarts lets SOE do this all unchecked. They are both at fault. Murdering continuity, ripping apart the parts of the game people actually enjoyed. This is nuts.


And this isnt worth it. Either George is asleep or completely ignoring what is happening to his universe in this game.



Reason why I say it's only SOE is that they deleted threads telling how to contact LA and banned the people who posted them, this was about the CU. LA was more than likely very poorly informed by the retards at SOE.

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Very interesting. I am and have been a career Master Ranger from week 3 of the Kettemoor server.


Ranger is more powerfull than ever. So few of us they when I go anywhere, people beg and pay me to group with them.


Forage and tracking work just fine. The only broken thing I can find is Adhesive mesh traps dont work as of the CU. I bet SOE will fix that. The only diff in foraging is that you can only eat one item, they no longer stack.


I gave up my WoW and EQ2 accounts. I now only have 3 Guild Wars accounts, and one SWG account. SOE has gone out of its way to make SWG a clone of the other 3 game.


The only part of the pre CU I miss is the fast action combat. Fighting now as a master ranger/swordswoman is butt boring. Click hit, click hit, click harvest. Heck I can still solo rancors.



Master Ranger

Serving the good beings of Kettemoor for over two years now

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