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Newb's Saber Shader Problems

Darth Rosh

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I'm just starting to learn to mod and stuff, and decided to play around with the "knight" sword in Revan's non-lightsaber weapon pack. I basically just modded the textures to make the blade dark red and adjusted the sword up so the hand is a lil bit lower on the handle. Anyways, after much fumbling around and learning, I finally got it to work with the new textures the way I want it to, except it's not shiny.


Currently the altered model and textures are in a folder called "saber_knight_2", and I kept the folder structure from Revan's PK3, except I moved/copied all the necessary files and folders(I think) for this one saber to a new PK3.


So, I used notepad to alter the .shader file to reflect the new models/weapons2/saber_knight_2 folder all the textures are in, and I tried using the name "knight.shader"(what it was before) and also "knight_2.shader"(to reflect the new folder) but neither of em seem to work.


I used Milkshape to edit the saber, and after the afore-mentioned fumbling around with non-textured in-game rejects and the like I finally got the actual sword textures to work. Is there something in MS I'm missing that's causing the shaders to not be used? Or is it something else?


I just want my newbie modded sword to be shiny! :cry8:

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