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Help quick please

Darth Yom

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okay heres the situation:


Im doing the first mission for The Exchange on Telos and when I get to the apart in the B complex, they keep telling me to come alone even though I am in solo mode and my companions are at the other freakin end of the map! I tried to leave them in a different area on Telos, but they travel with you when you have to load to an area. So what do I do?

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Bao-Dur is referring to the hidden caches enclosed by mines. Use your demolitions skill to pick up the mines then check the cache for items. There are three of these on Telos' surface.


As for any other questions you might come across. Check out the 3rd link in my signature. It will take you to a very comprehensive walkthrough for TSL. Not only can it answer your questions just as well as we can, you don't have to wait for someone to respond to get your answer. :D

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