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Drinking Sith

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Hi all my second post here(my first one was in What was your first impresion when you got the game :smash: )

Im having a problem with the jedies i assemble on dantoine you know master vrook and all those.

i assembled all the jedies exept the one from Onderon(i killed him :) ) and the the jedies says we now what you have done to the others blah blah blah and then i have to kill them! are they atacking me becouse i have killed the one on onderon ore i just cant stop it?

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If you want to kill just one of them, you can only kill the last one you meet. If you kill one earlier, the others attack you as they "felt the murder of Master (last master you killed) through the Force." The best thing to do when going Dark Side is to let the first master live, then kill all the others one by one. That way you only have to face one Jedi Master at a time.

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