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Modding Software?


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Is this going to be included with the final version of EaW? I'd imagine there'd be a lot of people that would love to add new jedi into this game, as well as all the episode 1-3 content. I think this would strongly help the games staying power as well as its quality. I think this game strongly needs the ability to either unlock many different jedi and other hero characters as well as have these jedi/hero's have a wide variety of special abilities.



Darth Maul - Using his staff saber and cutting through troops rapidly. Not so effective against vehicles.


Yoda - All kinds of throw powers, able to move quickly and destroy vehicles by throwing them around.


Amidala - Ability to rally troops and call in reinforcements?


Anakin - Able to use his saber extremely well but not able to throw vehicles like the older vader.


(There's endless possibilities with this idea and would allow for all kinds of appearances from people in the EU and so much more. Implementing effective modding software or creating a large list of unlockables will definitely increase this games longevity as well as popularity with the community. A game of this magnitude should not be entirely confined by one star wars era when there is so much Star Wars content available that would fit perfectly for this game.)


Ships - Jedi Starfighter, Episode 1-3 ships, Jedi controlled ships (more effective in battle.)

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They say that the game will be highly editable through text file .xml files. I would suspect them to include a map editor with the game, but im not really sure about including modding software. At first modding will probably have to be done via the text files, but later on I expect the community to create modding software. Which is usual for games like this. Many mods are already being planned for EaW, and if your intereasted you should get involved. Many are also planning on adding episode I - III content. This website: http://www.imperialassault.com/rote/ is a mod that is doing mostly what you are suggesting. If your intereasted in helping them head over to their forums and look under job openings.

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Its called Notepad. Thats the editing software and everyone has it.

Yes, but not everyone likes to use it. You could create wonderful C++ applications with Notepad and a compiler, but why do that when you have Visual Studio to help out? So why would you edit .xml files if they release a perfectly fine modding software along with EaW?

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No you are right about the xml format, but what you will need is a way to edit the xml to get it into the games code format. xml is a code that can be used to translate info.


I am hoping that it will be the same as ini coding and stuff like that, because I know no other way.


Also who cares about adding small mod stuff, what about the big TC mods being developed that are needing to know what they can use to mod.

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Popcorn, they won't release any sort of software to edit the files. I can't count the number of games out there that have used notepad to mod them. What we'll get most likely as far as modding is a plugin to make the models the correct format and a map editor.


And why would I edit XML files if they release mod software? Becuase it teaches you the real code and how it interacts with everyhting. Oh and one other thing. With notepad i'll be able to start modding as soon as I get the game.

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And why would I edit XML files if they release mod software? Becuase it teaches you the real code and how it interacts with everyhting. Oh and one other thing. With notepad i'll be able to start modding as soon as I get the game.

I understand perfectly well that some people prefer to use notepad to learn the actually code, and you will be able to program right away. But some people arent as skilled as you and relay on third party software. Now I know that any major mod being made now and mostly any major mod for that matter would text edit, because you can get everything right to the last details. But w/ third party software they usually have limitation as toward how much editing you can do.


I am hoping that it will be the same as ini coding and stuff like that, because I know no other way.

I hope so also, because Im used to .ini files from Red Alert 2 and Generals. Im hoping that the .xml format will be just as easy to use. But I suppose I am willing to learn a new format. Espicially if it will become more wide spread in the future.

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If I was going to do any modding I would need modding software. I am not a coder and my programming experience is limited to html, Basic, and some simple programs for other software. I'm personally interested in the possibilities in hero characters and what could be done with this. I see a lot of mods using the ships as their staple piece, and although graphically appealing and necessary I think they're over looking the capabilities with heros. The possiblities are endless for small but tide turning characters with a wide range of different abilities. For the most part this includes Jedi, but not exclusively.... Bounty Hunters.... Limitless Jedi.... Imperial Guards... Imperial Hands... All the main characters from the movies and the novels. I hope someone decides to impliment this into the game as well as I highly doubt I'll be doing modding myself. :lightning:lightning:syoda:

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