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If you want to start a XWA group....


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For al lof you thinking, or trying to start a new group, here are some tips..


First a history of me, and my group.


I wont name any groups, but my first experinace with online XWA gaming was in a group that i thoguht was well orginized, and had a few players online all the time. They said they had over 80 members, but i only knew of about 20 people that were active. My Squadron leader never was around, and for 2 months said he had a broken joystick. My traiing consited of 1v1s in T/I against a "instuctor" the only tips i ever got was a URL address, and told to "Not fly against PHOENIX or OMEGA". I complained about being in a rebel group and having to fly in a IMperial craft. Nothing was dnoe, in fact most of the members started playing R6 or RS, even AvP or AOE... i knew the group was not what i wanted, and a fellow member that i got to know very well expresed the same.


I sadly decided to leave, and help out a person start out a new group, b/c it was an interesting idea, and he needed lots of help. In Novemeber i started recruiting, learning from my expeinace in the other group, and some of the jerks that were there. We did inerviews with every possible recruit, not to see if they were a good pilot or not, but weather they woud enjoy being in our group or not, personality wise, and timewise


I had no life for 14 weeks, not job, now school, jsut sat at the computer recruiting, training, and refining what our group was.


After those 14 Weeks we had a core group of about 8 members, who were online everyday or near it. Based on thier performace, and leadership abilites, i prometed them to command positions. Then started deligating recrutiing, and training to those that we qualified, and could handle the responsiblity


Right now, The NRES is ranked as one of the top 10 online groups in the last 2 Weeks of war (over 80 groups, 1000 of games, with 100s of players) here are a few things i have learned:


1. Know how a online group runs before you start your own (this means how to make it efficiant, and run smoothly)


2. Start with a base of freinds that you know and trust (nothing worse then haveing a bad leader, or someone who never shows up.)


3. Get a website, for news, info, e-mails, and a Message board (Gamers.com or Ezboard are good free MB)


4. Fly on the zone (at least for XWA) this is a good meeting ground, and allows you to chat with people


5. Train your members (nothing worse then having a buch of bad pilots that will stay bad pilots)


6. Never try to run the group by yourself, you will look bad, and you will abuse your power, delegate ASAP and give each of the "leaders" equal say in matters, this means created a "High COmmand" and allowing everyone to vote on improtant decisions


7. Your members are your best source to run the group. Find out what they can do for you.


8. get into compitions, this is the best way to prove how good you are. The Battlestats.com Weeks of war are THE best online compition for XWA right now.


9. Never lie about your group, that wil ljsut make the vetrans angrey. "We are the best group on the zone" is not somethign that you should say.


10. Try to come up with an idea to make your group unique, and stand out from the tohers. And use that uniquness to sell the idea for people who want to join



THere is nothing that the vetran groups hate more then a "newbie" group that think they are hot SH--, yet when challanged run away. Earn the respect of the grousp that have been around, and active for over 9 months.

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Guest Nova Fury

Hey, my name is Derek Barrows and I think I'm a fair pilot, but I don't have any multiplayer experience yet. I'm looking to join or start a squadron (join, probably) and I would like to know if you have a recommendations for a rookie,


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Guest KW_Papa_Shango

If your looking for a good Squadron with a large amount of active members then why not try Knight Watch?


We are an inclusive Smuggler fringe group and are always on the lookout for fair pilots. We can give you any training etc... that you require and the online experiance. We have members on every night who are willing to fly.


Most importantly we look more to have fun in our games than rank and order. There is no command structure, just a CEO.


Go to http:\\members.xoom.com/paulbarnard


Or email the CEO, The Bad Monkey at Knight_Watch_2000@Yahoo.com


We'd be more than happy to have you on our payroll.

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Um, yeah, that sure makes people want to join your group...


For your information the NRES is the best X-wing group on the zone, we specialize in the X-wing, but we also train people to fly in all craft. Not jsut one type.


Right now NRES has gone from a shaky start to being among the best on the zone... if you would like to join polease send me an e-mail @ nresgremlin@hotmail.com


If you would rather go to a differant group, i can show you several options both rebel, imperial, and independant

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Guest KW_Papa_Shango

Hey Gremlin boy,


"Seeing as you are unaware of the concept of sarcasm i shall now close the till"


By the way, i got my ass kicked tonight. You know, if you want to laugh and all...


We don't treat our members like this, just people who lead the best god-damn group on the zone. Everyone wants to kick them in, it's called COMPETITION.


Anyway, the NRES needs to be taken down a peg or two for the sakes of healthy competition on the zone, so i suggest you join Knight Watch or another up-and-coming group. What's the point in joining the best now? It's not like you earnt the right to be the best. I'm talking individuals here, not original members like K_K. He built them so it's only right he has bragging rights.


The best way to improve as a pilot and gamer is to join a young group and help them to succeed in the cruel harsh mockery of a world that is the zone.


Email The Monkey at Knight_watch_2000@yahoo.com for more KW information

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Thats the problem with joining newer clans/squadrons/fleets etc, in any game, you might join planning to spend 5 hours a day in the zone doing clan business, but the other members usual decide that running a clan isn't for them, and then give up. Leaving you.

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I look for a group with a base of at least 12 piolits who have been around for a few months, or one from X v T that has expanded into XWA.



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Originally posted by KW_Papa_Shango:

Hey Gremlin boy,

DOnt call me boy mad.gif
By the way, i got my ass kicked tonight. You know, if you want to laugh and all...

I just hope you learned something from it, so that next time you wont be so badly beaten. I really feel sorry for the other person when i beat them 40-18. that is why i try helping them out by pointing out thier mistakes, and teaching them how to do better

We don't treat our members like this, just people who lead the best god-damn group on the zone. Everyone wants to kick them in, it's called COMPETITION.
THe reason those groups are around is becasue most of use got tired of beating newbies to a bloody pulp, and wanted a challange, so a few of the good pilots created groups, and trained others to fly better, so that it offered more of a challenge. I even trained one person who now can beat me. Those games are decided by 1 or 2 kills, and are a whole lot of fun, challangeing, but more fun then beating someone with a 2 to 1 Kill death ratio
Anyway, the NRES needs to be taken down a peg or two for the sakes of healthy competition on the zone, so i suggest you join Knight Watch or another up-and-coming group. What's the point in joining the best now? It's not like you earnt the right to be the best. I'm talking individuals here, not original members like K_K. He built them so it's only right he has bragging rights.
All i am saying is that if you want to become a good pilot, and fast, and learn how to fly against the best, while making freinds and learning about leadership, tactics, and how REAL earth pilots fly, join a well founded group that has lots of experiance. ANd maybe someday, you can be a leader in that group
The best way to improve as a pilot and gamer is to join a young group and help them to succeed in the cruel harsh mockery of a world that is the zone.


The harsh mockery of the zone only exisits if you think you good, but cannot prove it, or are scared to beacuse you kjnow you are not good.


I have nothing against new groups, it is just when they lie, and think they are beter, get a few nebies, and die beacuse the leaders dont want to spend a lot of time orginizing it. the new members then leave to go play some other game, when they have a good game right now, just dont know how to use it to it's full potential


i wont plug my group again, those that have listen did, those that havn't all i can say is i wish you the best which ever direction you go, i jsut howp it is the right choice, and the choice will come to good for you





Co-founder of the NRES


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Guest General Taskor

I having problems myself with finding any RAF members. I have only seen one posting here of one of them and but thats all. K_K to bad you didn't like flying in those TIEs, I'm pretty good in a one, mostly Intercepters.

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Guest KW_Andy_JW

i would just like to say how good it is to have people like you on the zone NRES_gremlin. The thing that really annoys me about the big groups is that they taunt and treat everyone else like 'Newbies'. Most of them can only win because they have cable lines and they fly T/I. Fair? It think not.






aka the Nighthawk


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I fed up with all these groups that only ever use Interceptors (As, Xs, TI etc)

Whats wrong with the B-Wing or Skipray ?

This is why I want to set up Nova Squadron, because I want a group that once trained won't be afraid to use Gunboats, B-Wings, Y-Wings even !

GOD DAMNIT - whys the best stuff in life gotta be so difficult !



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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