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THE best XWA group online


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Well, we needed measureing stick, so i finally found a good one.


At least for the next few weeks, the New Republic Escort Service IS the best online XWA squadron. why?


we won the "Week of War"


what is so big about that?




The Week of war combines over 80 XWA groups together to compete in a Fly til you drop, 7 day war. Over 1100 games were played. and after the wreckage was cleared the New Republic Escort Serive (NRES) was decalred the winner.


The ststs used to figure this out (25 points each) are as follows:


# players in Group that played

# games the group played

Kill/Death Ratio

Game win/loss ratio

Player Win/loss ratio


check out the stats here:

Overall scores


The primary ones used are "club rankings" and "player rankings"


please note that 3 NRES pilots (Photon, Runner, and Gremlin [ thats me ]) made it to the top 5


If you want to join the best, and learn how to BE the best, join the NRES

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