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Get Kicked out of Dialog after Leviathan (HELP)


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I have a big old problem. Ok, so it's not that bad but it still causes me some distress. After the Levathion on the Ebon Hawk when the crew is talking about me being Reven I am just kicked out of the dialoge. Mission starts saying that I'm a good person, it doesn't mater that I was a Sith Lord, bla bla bla and then, when she finishes her sentence, I can move around the ship, the dialog is left unfinished and I'm stuck on my ship. I don't know what caused it, it could or could not be a mod. Here I shall give you guys a list of what I have and trust in the wisdom of the masses.

1. All of Svosh's mods in 1

2. T7nowhere's verpine implant intergration visor

3. T7nowhere's carth Infultrator Suit

4. Red Hawk's Verpine Reflec Heavy Armor

5. Oh, and the brand spanken new Revan Mask +2.0 by T7nowhere

I think that's it, I hope you guys can help (crosses fingers)



P.S. I already tried going back to a previously saved game and it just does the same bug again.

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