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NPC Behavious?


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In the entity definition for spawning NPC's, it says:


"These strings can be used to activate behaviors instead of scripts - these are checked first and so no scripts should be names with these names:

default - 0: whatever

idle - 1: Stand around, do abolutely nothing

roam - 2: Roam around, collect stuff

walk - 3: Crouch-Walk toward their goals

run - 4: Run toward their goals

standshoot - 5: Stay in one spot and shoot- duck when neccesary

standguard - 6: Wait around for an enemy

patrol - 7: Follow a path, looking for enemies

huntkill - 8: Track down enemies and kill them

evade - 9: Run from enemies

evadeshoot - 10: Run from enemies, shoot them if they hit you

runshoot - 11: Run to your goal and shoot enemy when possible

defend - 12: Defend an entity or spot?

snipe - 13: Stay hidden, shoot enemy only when have perfect shot and back turned

combat - 14: Attack, evade, use cover, move about, etc. Full combat AI - id NPC code

medic - 15: Go for lowest health buddy, hide and heal him.

takecover - 16: Find nearest cover from enemies

getammo - 17: Go get some ammo

advancefight - 18: Go somewhere and fight along the way

face - 19: turn until facing desired angles

wait - 20: do nothing

formation - 21: Maintain a formation

crouch - 22: Crouch-walk toward their goals "


What are the KEY/VALUE settings to get these to actually work?

(I know it should be KEY: spawnscript, but what's the value? Is it VALUE: medic, VALUE: medic - 15, VALUE: 15???)

And is there anything else you need to do?

Hell! are these even implemented in JKA?




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I presume you have already tried a few obvious ones, like "medic" and "15"? If not, try them out and come back. If so, and it didn't work, try making a few scripts to set behaviours instead (don't ask how to make scripts, it's already covered extensively in other threads).

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I've already done NPC scripting in another map, I was just curious if anyone has managed to get these "default" behaviours to work and if so how?

Heck, the way it's worded ("These STRINGS can be used to activate behaviors instead of scripts , I think you may have to use the whole thing"), makes me think you have to use the WHOLE thing i.e. KEY: Usescript, VALUE: walk - 3: Crouch-Walk toward their goals!!!

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