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sever error


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I just can't figure this out. I've made a custom model and half the time when a limb is severed (still don't know which one) instead of the limb falling off the entire model is copied and both characters die with the same animation next to each other. Anyone know what's going on?

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  • 4 weeks later...

ah,its just a glitch.like with one of my skins,after a limb being severed,it stays without an arm or a leg or a head until im just invisible.itll do the same with some,or copy the models corpse like with the super battledroid and your skin.best thing to do,just ignore the file or if you just cant stand those errors try and find an error in the line of code or somthing.i dont know much about modding,but i do know some about skins.try that,but dont look at me if you have to open the file and recode it.

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