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Installing Grim Fandango on Windows XP x64


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ok, I know I'm probably all too optimistic for my own good, but how can I install Grim Fandango on Windows XP x64? The silly game is packed with a 16-bit installer and won't run on 64 at all. If anyone know any work-arounds or are willing to write a new installer (!) or some other trick?


If that won't work: could someone please get me the registry-keys needed to run the game, because I have it installed on my other harddrive and with the proper registry keys I could probably get it working.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 5 months later...

You know of any other way to get it working besides installing 32 bit windows, as I really don't feel like looking for it.


And doesn't the Microsoft website say Win64 will recognize 16-bit Acme and Instalshield installers and automatically convert them to 32-bit?

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to kick a rather old thread up to the top, but as far as I know x64 is still a major problem for Grim. I'm just here to ask a couple of questions about the whole registry settings trick that get things working- namely, which ones in particular do I need, and where do they go once I've got them?


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys


I've managed to get GRIM running fine under x64.


It involves manuallu copying all files off te cd-rom into a

"programs (x86)/LucasArts/GRIM" folder,


After that, you have to manually create a register keys file, and manually copy it into regedit.exe, into a directory for the game which, surprise-surpsrise, you must create manually.


if anyone wants to know exact instructions (too detailed here) or register key file, email me



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