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Dark Side


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Is it possible to be dark side without being completely evil? I'm the kind of person I have no problem with manipulation and senseless killing here and there, but WHY do I constantly have to act like I hate the world and would like nothing better than to see it implode JUST to gain DS points? I love being able to make the sick man on Nar Shaddaa (who turns out to not really be sick, but oh well) kill himself then be complimented by Kreia on it, but jeez. It's like I can't be a semi-decent person every once in a while without jumping 3/4ths back to neutral. Anyone else have this problem? :/

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I doubt it. The games just don't work that way. Probably a lot of other people have this problem, although most might be more annoyed at the "black and white" way you get them. I am going to try out a evil character who doesn't go to DS up on top of the temple in K1. He/she would be evil, but he/she will still save the galaxy. Their is something about being on the opposite side of the one you ultimately choose. :D

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