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Bon Jovi?

Guest Thorpie

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Guest Thorpie

Hey guys!


I haven't been around for a while but I'm here now, or not, I haven't decided yet. How is everyone?


Quick question:


How much (in £s) would a guitar signed by Bon Jovi shift for?


Answers on the back of a post card or just post them here!




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Guest Thorpie

I've just done mine. It's all thanks to a girl in my history set who accidentally said this and didn't realize before she said it what it meant.


(Parrot) Enjoy (/parrot)



"Women in pre-historic times didn't have contraception so they were a bit bummed."

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Just like you wink.gif

Welcome back! You know you missed the insanity!



"Nearly 100% of all divorces are caused by marriage."


Rogue 6

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That does it!


*Walks to the refrigerator and gets drunk.Then walks outside with 'Member's Wanted-No Newbies(sexy chicks welcome)' picket sign.5 minutes later gets arrested by asking small childen for drugs.*


[This message has been edited by JR2000Z (edited December 16, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by JR2000Z (edited December 16, 2000).]

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I like it here better then talking to you!

We get stuff called Milk and cheese plus, to top it off we get to watch a show called Barney!Its great!


Good the cops are gone!Youve got to get me out of here!I got some semi-nuclear explosives that I got from a nice guy in Iraq.Use it to blow through the door!


*gun in the backround cocks*

Sh*t here he comes!


Guard:What are you doing here?

Me:uuhhhh....(thinks wildly and lies)...shopping on the internet.

Guard:.Back in yer cage!

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Originally posted by JR2000Z:

I swear to God that I KNEW someone was going to say that!


Great,Im not just 'insane',Im also a psycic(sp?).

I thought that was Taarkin?

physco is more like it for you






"Nearly 100% of all divorces are caused by marriage."


Rogue 6

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