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Thoughts on NGE.


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I guess if you've never seen what it was like before the NGE, you wouldn't know that it was a ferrari f-500 downgraded to a Geo Prism (still sportyer than most MMORPG's but no where near what it was-and that ferrari analogy was a downgrade from pre cu...)



Dude, SWG was NEVER a ferrarri F50. At best it was a dodge viper's chassis with no seats or steering wheel, and the engine's been replaced by that of a honda accord

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I honestly don't see how people say the old combat system of "auto aim, spam special, target dies" was better, but to each their own. I like being able to maneuver a bit when fighting(the reloading animation added is a cool touch). I was a master Rifleman/Creature Handler on one of my old toons. Arguably, Rifleman was one of the best professions in the old game(I loved Rifleman as did everyone else who was a Rifleman), but it could get boring, especially during a firefight. In the NGE, I feel more like I'm exchanging fire with an adversary. It's not "dumbed down" it's just different.


As far as the quest driven leveling. . .I like it. I find it ironic that many people complain about this when they were finding the old system of "Go out and kill something" redundantly boring. Now, yes, when you strip away the background synopsis of the mini story, it's still grinding, but that is just a factual component of an MMORPG when building your character.


Yes, there are bugs, but I'm hopeful they will be worked out, now that the game is not as "unfocused" as it was and the devs can work with it easier.


As far as the analogy of the Ferrari downgraded to a Geo Prizm. . .well, the Ferrari had 3 wheels missing, the fourth on, with a flat tire, and only half the cylinders working in the engine. The game needed to be changed. That is just a fact.


We can argue about what should have been, what could have been, what might have been. Nostalgia is fine, but do not let it detach you from reality. The game is changed, that's what people need to accept and get past this bitterness.


The NGE is here.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If they added these new animations to the old system, would your views be the same? The biggest arguement for most, is the shift from RPG to a terrible FPS. Until they actually fix the server lag, combat will always remain bugged. Lag and packet loss are a big deal to melee, as is the fact when you shoot at your target - he 'jumps to lightspeed'!!



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Indeed, my views would be the same. I like the new combat system. Gamers do not respond well to change. I'll ask you the "flipside" of your question. Do you think there would be as many complaints if this new combat sytem, only, was introduced into the old environment?


I think there would not be.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Change. Theres always uproar when it happens in Galaxies. Rightly so. This is the second major change in just 6 months and again SOE fail to test it properly and the game has suffered.


Just because the game has the new intro featuring Han Solo etc DOESNT mean they made the game like Star Wars at all. Once you get off that Space station and finish doing the boring quests, your 'adventure' ends there. Theres still no Galactic Civil War - theres no actual Star Wars story driven content, and the combat, until fixed, is nothing like Star Wars, apart from the music.


And as I have said...the key to remember here, people purchased an RPG in the first place and the game is no longer that. Lets see what they come up with in 6 months time again, as they are bound to change something



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How is it not at all like an RPG? Do you not level up and acquire new skills? I always thought the primary element of an RPG was that the character was in a state of evolution, to a point. Correct me if I'm wrong. Because it is different, it's criticized. Remember what I said about change.


Second major change in 6 months, perhaps because the last change was not what people wanted. I saw the uproar over the CU, so you cannot convince me that players were satisfied. They were not.


As far as content. I'll wait and see. They just rebuilt the game. Quite frankly, I think a creative player can make their own content to a degree. That is what MMORPGs are about to a certain extent. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.


You have stayed, for a reason, though quite frankly, I cannot understand why, as you seem to hold this game, SOE, and Lucasarts in vehement contempt(as far as SWG is concerned). However, your motivations are your own business. I'm here because I like the changes and I want to see what this "resurrection" or perhaps metamorphosis is more applicable, of SWG may bring. Perhaps the third time is the charm.


If they make changes in 6 months FOR THE BETTER, I hardly think you, or anyone will mind. Now, you will probably retort with "The changes will not be for the better because SOE has shown they cannot accomplish this" or something along those lines. Like I stated previously, DMUK, you've stayed of your own accord, for a reason. Perhaps, you just want to see the game fail. But maybe, you wan to see it succeed. Hmmm. . .?

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