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Lightsaber Ultimate crystal pack v1.0


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This is my first small mod for the game, i've always done bigger things but here we go..


this file includes the following upgrades for lightsabers..


1. The Eshtan Crystal - a very powerfull crystal -

stats damage +5 wisdom +7 constitution +6 regen +5


2. The Mustfarian Crystal - a crystal forged by lava -

stats damage +5 attack +5 defense +5 knockdown


3. The meditation crystal - a crystal that gives the user keen,light, and regeneration properties and can change the apearance of the user to (in testing)


these will be my 3 crystals plus i will be adding other parts like lense,emiter,etc. i will release this mod after testing it tonight. so expect it to be released tomarrow night.

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Here is the beta version of my crystal pack + a blaster for hk-47 that removes the rust ( turns him into hk-50)


Click here to download beta


to get items just do giveitem name


names are:


1. mustfarcrystal

2. takoshcrystal

3. eshtancrystal

4. holoblaster (hk-47)


to install just download all files to your override folder. enjoy:)

please leave feedback and let me know how you like it.

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