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Idea for Force Power: Spawn Lightsaber (SPOILERS AHEAD - Fairly ye be warned).


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I recently got an idea for a Force Power: Spawn Lightsaber. Remember the end of KOTOR 2, at the final battle with Darth Traya? After you defeat her initially she spawns three lightsabers out of nowhere that can fight with a will of their own. If that could be made into a force power for K2, it would simply be awesome. The player can only spawn generate a number of lightsabers equal to the level of this particular force power (i.e. one lightsaber at level one, two lightsabers at level two, etc).


The sabers should be able to do a fair amount of damage, but shouldn't be too unbalanced (i.e player's skill in wisdom/charisma + 10). Also, they would only be around for a short period of time before fading away...say, 45 seconds.


The mod itself wouldn't require any modelling whatsoever; the models for the floaty lightsabers are somewhere in the 2da models.


Thanks for reading.



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