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Where is this mod?


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I downloaded a Billboard mod for Knights of the old Republic 2 that shows Mira in a two peice underewear. I would like to know if the mod exists for that underwear and where to to get it.


The billboard mod is called TelsbilsetIII10.zip and can be found at pcgamemods.com it includes some screenshots of the billboards and the one i'm talking about is labled 2.jpg.

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Double post i know, shame shame, but no one is responding to my above post so here's another question. What is the file called that has mira's underwear skin? I need to know this so that I can apply some really cool underwear from Alveron182 to the other girls of Knights of the Old Republic 2?

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Look areound pcgamemods some more. If you still can't find it, look on other KotOR and KotOR II modding sites (none are as large and well known as pcgamemods, but I know a few sites that have mods on them that pdgamemods doesn't have).

I couldn't tell you exactly what the name of her underwear file is, as my KOTOR Tool isn't working.


EDIT: Is the billboard mod you're talking about one that chages the displays on Telos?

If so, then I don't think there is a mod that gives Mira that underwear, but with the model and/or skin now in existance, it could easily be applied to Mira's underwear model... if you can find out what it's named.

I haven't seen the mod before, but are you sure the underwear she's in isn't the slave outfit you get on Nar Shadda?

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No it's not the dancer's outfit. And yes the billboard mod is the one for telos's citidel station. As I don't know how to link to pictures to show anyone specifically I included specfic instructions on how to find it.


And I have gone through all 13 pages of the kotor 2 mods to find it with out any luck.

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Well if it's not on pcgamemods, then it probably doesn't exist. It might, but it's not very likely.

I would make it, but my KOTOR Tool doesn't work. Sorry.

I did a search for the mod, and couldn't fiund it. Is that what the file is called, or the name of the mod? If it's the file name, we need the mod name to find it in a search.

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