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Help with NGE


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I could use some tips on the new NGE. I finally got some combat in last night and the lag was terrible. The worst I've ever seen, I won't go into details cause I've read everyone is having the same problems. However, I did get to see how the new combat system works and I have some questions.


For a CL80 Jedi I was using the saber strike and force choke combo but noticed that with the slow regen rates I was sitting there waiting a lot during combat. I put lesser saber strike icons up but they're on the same timer as the main attack. Has anyone figured out a good strategy they could share being that we're all the same now?


What's up with the 30 second self-buffs? I couldn't keep them up and fight and keep my cursor on the bad guy. Anyone else finding this frustrating?


What exactly does this blue glowy do again? Anything other then stand there looking blue? Like, does it prevent you from being attacked? Stealth mode? Anything?


I'm slowly realizing everything we've lost in this game. No more forcebar. Half of the fun for me was managing my force and having a variety of powers, enhancements, and combat skills to choose from. This feels like it will quickly become lame and boring. How is this enhanced? Enhanced is the exact opposite of what's happening. SOE is on crack thinking this is a better gaming experience.


Last question, what is the avg dmg for a 4th gen LS? I'm still using my old one with about 550ish dmg. That still ok or do I need to build another one under this new system?


Thanks in advance for the help.





Jedi Knight

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Guest DarthMaulUK

550 damage for yr saber is good. Post NGE, many are lucky to hit 500. The blue glowly thing is just for show. You do get a pointless and totally useless 'Elder Buff' as a 'reward' for losing 2 years worth of work.


The best strategy for a Jedi now, is...wait for it..... a blaster! Yes, I kid you not. The lag on the server hinders melee (Jedi) and it comes as no surprise that the Jedi have taken to arms! This is SOEs vision of Jedi.



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Ya know, I was amused by all the rants and complaints I was reading. I figured NGE was more or less going to be like the CU which at least was workable. But this is really really bad. I totally understand why people are quitting now. This is total crap.


and no SirLancelot, you can't have my stuff. :)


Please tell me you're kidding about the blaster.

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i find it quite amusing that SOE actually made melee even worse with the 3rd patch i think it was, by making melees miss a lot if their target was moving, this is more realistic and makes jedi suck even more, so when i killed a lvl 80 jedi (i am lvl 51 commando) i get flamed by them saying how much i suck at the game when they are the ones in the clone lab.

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