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KotOR2-style rebalance for KotOR

Darth Windu

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Hi folks.


Just posted this mod as pcgamemods.com, which also has another mod of mine, which changed the special lightsabre colours.


Having bought and played both KotOR and KotOR2, I came to the same conclusion as Obsidian - the Jedi Sentinal needed to be better.


What I've done is taken the stats - feats, skills, class skills etc from KotOR2 and transplanted them into KotOR. All Jedi classes in KotOR will now play exactly the same way they do in KotOR2.


This mainly affects the Sentinal, which is given a huge boost, but also slightly affects Guardian and Consular, but does not change Soldier, Scout or Scoundrel.


In addition, I tried to make it so that characters would slowly regain health out of combat without you having to use medpacs, Force Heal, but can't get it to work. Does anyone know how to get health regeneration in KotOR? I got it to work once and nothing since.


Anyway, I'll be releasing a new version soon with some extra powers for the Consular.




T7edit: When you post a mod release also post a link to the mod. http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/17433.html

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