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Lightsaber colors


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This has undoubtedly been asked before, but I couldn't find it anywhere.


I was wondering if anyone had reskinned a decent looking orange lightsaber? I have found a couple of "orange lightsaber" mods, but they all don't look right. One just used the bronze HotG look and another replaced the yellow lightsaber with a neon yellow and used the original yellow as orange .




A real orange color like that would be awesome.


On the same subject, has anyone made a viridian saber for KOTOR like the one in TSL? I liked that color.

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Thanks a lot for the mod, but when I installed it, the icon in my inventory changed but not the actual color of the saber. What did I do wrong?


You know what? In my KOTOR version, I misnamed one of the files. The "w_lsabregold02.tga" should be renamed. Nobody ever mentioned this to me, and I have had this released for over a year. It's probably because people have spotted the problem and just fixed it themselves. It should be renamed "w_lsabregold01.tga". So change the "2" into a "1". That should fix the problem. But I'm not too worried about it since I will be releasing a 2.0 version of both KOTOR and TSL sometime soon and I'll have that fixed.

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Thanks. I've been playing around with it a bit, but I'm having trouble using it for double-bladed and short-bladed lightsabers. The single-bladed sabers come out orange, but double and short come out cyan. I'm kind of clueless when it comes to this stuff, so could someone point out what I'm doing wrong?


And nothing on that viridian saber? Damn.

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You could also try my Heart of the Force Saber Mod. Look in my signature below for the link. I have a very hot orange saber in there as well as a few other colors that may be of interest (including the blue-green Weaponmaster saber that RedHawke and Maverick187 originally released as part of the Prestige class item pack). I love orange sabers. ;)

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Thanks. I've been playing around with it a bit, but I'm having trouble using it for double-bladed and short-bladed lightsabers. The single-bladed sabers come out orange, but double and short come out cyan. I'm kind of clueless when it comes to this stuff, so could someone point out what I'm doing wrong?


I'm almost willing to bet that you have edited your lightsaber files and didn't realize what you did. The single blade HotG uses model #7, but the double and short blades use model #6. For MotF, the single blade uses model #8, but the double and short blades use model #7. If those numbers have been altered in your files, you can come up with different colors with the same crystal in the different blade types.


And nothing on that viridian saber? Damn.

You can use my viridian lightsaber file from my TSL version of my blades and rename it to a file you want it to replace in KOTOR. That's the best advice I can give you at this moment.

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