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Class editing?


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Hello. What I am asking for is the location of the file(s) that governs the properties of each class. My objective in this is to give HK-47 the ability to use a lightsaber. Yes, you heard me right. The reason this is in requests is that I am quite sure that doing this is over my head, and so, if possible, I would love it if someone could do it. :)


BTW: just giving him lightsaber use feats doesn't work. It's something about the class limitations...

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I don't know if I agree with that one. A lack of animations doesn't mean that he couldn't equip it, it just means when he fights he'll look like he's just standing there (even though you can still see turn-based combat on the feedback menu). It's just a matter of giving him the proper feats (assuming that they don't have a race restriction).

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It would be interesting to give HK-47 a lightsaber or a melee weapon. The only thing is he's always constantly talking about blasting people.



"Preparing blasters, Master. This should be fun!"


"Query: Shall I begin blasting, master? We could have your hirsute companion free in no time."


"Commentary: It is not possible to destroy the master. It is suggested you run while my blasters warm up, meatbags."


"Translation: He refused to waste breath on you until you are proven to be an ally of his people. He seems quite adamant about it. Please let me blast him, master!"


"Translation: 2% probability that the miniature organic is simply looking for trouble and needs to be blasted. That may be wishful thinking on my part, master."


"And it is not as if I walked into the Senate chambers with a carbonite explosive. I was very discrete. My best work to date… that I can remember."

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I don't know if I agree with that one. A lack of animations doesn't mean that he couldn't equip it, it just means when he fights he'll look like he's just standing there (even though you can still see turn-based combat on the feedback menu). It's just a matter of giving him the proper feats (assuming that they don't have a race restriction).


True. I really didn't think about that but whatever. Still a noob.

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