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Kotor 3

Darth Beowulf

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I sense a pain in you, anger Merios. You have killed without remorse and yet the guilt squirms in you like a worm. Remember 'There is no emotion, there is peace' Wipe the fear from your mind and I may be able to guide you through the storm that rages in you Argus projected his reply to Merios after feeling him cry out through the Force. He felt the rumblings of change and was trying to calm a storm before it became a gale.

A beep sounded from Bob2 that Tradek's comm was turned on. While concentrating on Merios he spoke a quick message to Tradek through the comm, "What's the situation on Coruscant?"

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He sighed to himself, waving an arm infront of the control room door as it slid open. He walked in slowly. He stood in the doorway, watching as droids came to swarm around him, several Sith aiming their weapons at him. He looked around and his eyes finally stopped on Jacen, who was looking out the viewscreen.

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I opened up my comm link, look who it is, Argus.


Hello Argus, last time we talked you were but a padawan learner. This is a pleasant surprise, last time I spoke to a Jedi was in the war. Corusant is hectic and enjoyable as usual, you should come to the cantina here and have a drink with me. My old contacts say a Sith fleet has appeared in the system, though they are being discreet about it in order to not cause public panic. Whether they will attack Corusant is unknown, but I'm sure Admiral Onasi and his fleet can handle them. I'd bet you a 1000 credits that Onasi would be sending me up there right now if I wasn't booted out. Anything else you need?

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"Old friend I would bet the thousand credits because I remember your days piloting for the fleet. The reason I ask is because this attack pattern is disturbing. I had been following them for quite sometime and all I can sense is much anger mingled in with some hate. I need you to find out if anyone has been in contact with any Sith forces lately. Someone may have given away the defense status. Just keep your head sober and may the Force be with you old friend," and Argus settled in his Stealth X amongst the Sith fleet waiting to see what was happening. Again he sent a message through the Force to Jacen, I sense your anger young one. You had a life of pain suffering and death. Reach out and tell me why...

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((Unfortunately, my character is like.. on a stand-still. Darth Beowolf hasn't gone on this thread, or logged on since the 18th of december.. which has been about more than two months ago. I'm kinda mad about that. Beowolf is the creator of this thread, but we might need someone ALOT more active than him to take over Jacen.. not you or me Jedi, maybe Count could..))

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He smirks and unsheathed his single blue lightsaber and his short green lightsaber. He twirled them both and came at Jacen, twirling his green short saber and striking his saber with that one. As the man's saber bounced back, Merios jumped up and moved into a backflip, landing on a metal platform above the room. "I don't want to fight you Jacen!" He said, twirling his sabers with a glow and a dull hum. "I only want to talk!" He screamed with a desperate voice.(Alright, no offense, but you don't seem too.. good with Roleplaying, and i've been at RP fighting for about 8 years off and on.. so no modding.. (one hit kills and disarming) eventually we'll have to stop, because neither of us wants our chars killed.. eventually we'll stop, dunno when though, just continue)

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(I cant be Jacen sorry, im usually pretty busy thats why im not active as much. Plus, my chars are only heavy drinking, pazaak playing, scoundrel, washed up soldiers.)

I left the cantina in a instant and headed towards my hold substandard apartment. Time to combat the Sith again heh? Before I could get there, I was interrupted. It was the Rodian from the cantina, and a couple of his buddies. Damn, I better make this quick.


I stopped dead in my tracks and stared him down. None of them had their blasters drawn yet, and neither did I. They probably expect me to lay down and die, or worse, give up my credits. Finally he spoke out.


"I know you cheated human, I didn't see it, but that wasn't a fair match. Now hand over my credits, or I can take it from your cold, dead, body."

I have no time for negotiation, there are larger matters to tend to. They were probably going to kill me anyways. Before they could draw their blasters, I fired my wrist flamethrower at them. The thugs started burning and screaming. Some fired back with poorly placed shots. The ones that actually hit were deflected by my battle armor. I quickly drew my own blasters and put them in rapid fire mode. Before you know it, I mowed down the thugs. I pulled out my flask of juma and took a sip, then proceeded to my apartment.


Finally I arrived at my apartment and called up my old buddies at the Republic Intelligence offices.


I sent a message via comm link.


"My old contacts say they knew nothing of the fleet and it's suprise. If you want to infiltrate a ship I'll come along, did it plenty of times during the war."

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"I have no problem with the people of coruscant," said jacen deactivating his lightsaber, "I only came to this mudball to find my brother and kill the pig that killed my mother. But if you think I am a threat to the republic come and try to strike me down, but you will not succeed, for I have learned to use the force to a much larger extent than any jedi or sith."

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Then stand down Jedi. Strip away your fear and hate. You cannot win for there are others waiting. Argus was sending to Jacen a bluff in an effort to calm him down. He continued, Revenge is a dish that is best served cold and yet I cannot sense a coldness in you. You are angry. To be angry is to be human but anger can swiftly become a gale. Calm the storm young one and we can help find the answers you seek


Argus had sent a coded message to Tradek to infiltrate the ship and take over the systems with a warning to be careful. He waited patiently in his Stealth X to wait for a reply.

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Argus did a roll save in his Stealth X and tried his best to avoid laser fire. He decided to do a tricky maneuver that as far as he knew had been accomplished once. Bob2 began to beep and squeal at him. "I know we're trouble just hang on. I'm going to try something."

More beeping and shrilling came from Bob2. Argus responded, "Don't tell me the odds. I'm trying to avoid a war at all costs," and he maneuvered into attack postion on the the warship. He accerated as he flew past Jacen's viewindow and disappeared from the scopes.

He had attached himself to the hull and used the Force to contact Merios I'm fine. Do what you can but not harm him. We must do what we can to bring to light all that has happened.

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"Merios! How dare you try to strike me down!" Jacen ignited his saber and blocked Merios' attack. "Now you will feel the true power of the force!" he yelled. Jacen pushed out his hand and launched Merios into the viewwindow cracking it slightly. "All I wanted to do is Get my revenge on Kreia. But now you leave me no choice!" Jacen force sped over to Marios and picked him up by the throat with his left hand. "Now, Jedi you will see the true nature of the FORCE!" Jacen's right hand lit up and he placed it on Marios' forehead. Marios shook as images from jacen's past flooded his mind.


(Okay you can make up anything you want about Jacen's past just work in that the exile is Jacen's brother and Kreia killed his mother.)

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((Damnit.. that's power fighting.. but oh well.. I can play like that too..))


As he stuck the window, the sabers fell from his hands and clattered to the ground below.Merios struggled against his grip as his past overflowed his mind. Red and blue veins pulsed down his face and through his neck, flowing down the rest of his body, starting at the man's palm on his forehead. He was losing life itself. Merios snapped out of it and put his right hand on Jacen's chest. He pushed hard, the Force adding to it as Jacen was sent flying across the room and skidded along the ground, smacking into a small computer as it crashed to the ground behind him. "The Dark Side never wins..." He ran towards him, holding his hands outstretched behind him, both sabers flying to his hands. He ignited them and sprinted towards him, both sabers drawn.

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"Merios! Don't you get it I'm not a sith!" Jacen screamed as he Brought out his dual sabers to block Merios' attack, "I came here to find my brother! These sith here are not sith at all they're renagades not your enemy! I tried to show what has happened to me and all you do is Fight me! why? I came here to kill the sith not join them!" Jacen went into the matashi form and pushed Marios back with his sabers. "The council is idiotic can't you see that! Even now Kreia is controlling the council! I only attacked you because I thought you were under her control. Not to kill you!"

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He skidded to a halt and stood still. He twirled his sabers once, the dull hum, yet intimidating, showed a sign of compassion. "Why did you come here then? Why did you attack me? I didn't come to kill you, yet you acted brutal towards me.. I won't believe the Council is under Kriea's control, and I have no reason to. And I know what happened to your mother.. Jacen." He said, twirling his sabers once more, the blades sunk back down into the hilts. "My mother was killed by a Jedi too, I managed to escape." He walked towards him slowly. "I know the Exile was your brother, remember, he lost a mother too. You're not alone in this. If you come with me, I can help you int his time of need, so can the Council on the planet i'm going to. Alderaan, they are no where near Kriea and there you will find peace.." He said, straightening up. "Just do what I ask, please. I don't want to have to do something I don't want to do.."

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