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Kotor 3

Darth Beowulf

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"I really don't know, but this is not the time to talk about these matters. We need to leave. Any second now, several Sith ships will come out of hyperspace and gun down this ship. One of the soldiers sent out a distress call when I boarded, self defense mechanism. My ship can't make it out of here in time, do you have one?" He said, looking around and walking towards the control room door.

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Argus hearing the message asked Bob2 to detach the landing claw. Once free he moved his Stealth X away from the Sith Warship and sent his thoughts to Merios, You have done well but I suspect that our journey has just begun. I will see you at Alderaan but hurry. The Sith are near. and he made the jump into hyperspace.

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Damn, ive been gone a while. Missed a lot


My personal starship had not been used in a while. It was a Republic infiltrator, i told command that it was destroyed so i could keep it. Hmm, wonder why i haven't gambled it yet. It laid there on the public docking bay, the paint job was wearing away. But it was still fit for you use.

I started up the engines and headed for the Sith Warship. I was able to dock it and sneak through the ship. Finally i got to the bridge and there was Merios talking to the rogue Jedi. The bridge seemed to be in a wreck. My blasters were already in my hand and loaded. I set the weapons to rapid fire like i usually did. Let's see how a lightsaber wielder will block a barrage of blaster fire. I wonder what Merios is saying to him, is he in league with the Sith? My hands raised into the air as I pointed both pistols at them wondering what my next course of action would be.


(Tradek did not know the events that happened with Merios and Jacen on the ship)

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Merios stopped a moment and turned around. Aiming a palm at the man, both of the blasters flying from his hand and dropping to the ground about four feet from the man wielding them. "Don't try to be a hero, we've already settled this. Now, leave, or get blown to pieces by the Sith fleet. Me, Jacen, and Argus are heading to Alderaan, now get your ship and get out of here, I don't want another innocent on my hands.."

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I don't think Tradek has any intention of getting blown up. If he is not too jumped up on juma, he can get himself out. He could survive in places where a Jedi could not simply because he does not hear the Force as they could Merios. He'll be fine. Right now you should make your way to the docking level on the ship. Hurry. Argus interjected through the Force.

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"come on we have to keep moving!" 2 sith droids rounded the corner. "stupid droids." Jacen threw his lightsaberer through one droid and he blasted the other with a blast of force lightning. Jacen grabbed his saber and turned the corner to meet a sith squad. 20 soldiers in all. "This should be fun." jacen said with a sneer. Jacen puilled out his 2nd saber and sliced off 2 of the soldiers heads. he then proceeded to dismember and decapitate the rest of the soldiers. One soldier remained. Jacen lifted his hand towards the soldier and force crushed him. he then turned to Marios. "We may proceed now."

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I walked over and picked up my blasters and put them back in their holsters, just as Merios and Jacen left. "Damn!" i thought. How could I have been so foolish. That isn't the proper way to engage a Jedi or Dark Jedi, whatever. Well I better get out of here before things get bad. Just as I walked down the exit hallway, a Dark Jedi appeared and ignited his lightsaber. "Ok, remember your training, you've dispatched dozens of these guys, now you remember. Dont be stupid again." I used words of self-comfort on myself when needed. We stared at each other for a moment. Then I pulled out my flask of Juma and downed the whole thing. You never know which drink could be your last.


Before the Dark Jedi could use the force to knock me back, in one swift move(which I knew most Dark Jedi\Jedi liked to attempt first on non-force using opponents like myself), I pulled out stun grenade and activated it then threw it right at the man. This one I designed myself, to use against lightsaber wielders. As a reflex action the Dark Jedi's blade met the grenade to deflect it, just like they are trained to do. The connection with the lethal blade of energy and stun grenade caused it to explode, just as it was designed to do. Stunned and disoriented the Jedi stumbled around, giving me enough time to draw my blaster and send a barrage of energy fire at him. The power of the shots caused him to get knocked back and hit against the wall, he then fell to the ground lifeless. "Back in the game!" I said outloud. My skills haven't deteriorated at all since I started my cantina life. It's like driving a speeder, you never forget. Just needed some action to reawaken them.


The way back to my ship was not difficult. I've had to escape enemy ships many times before. The sleek Republic infiltrator was still there, unnoticed by the crew. Quickly I departed, just before the Sith ship I was on got decimated . Argus, Merios, and Jacen are headed to Alderaan, better meet them there. Before the ship crashed I set it to autopilot and punched in the hyperspace coordinates for Alderaan. It's not good to pilot while intoxicated.


"Argus, I'll meet you and the rest on Alderaan as planned. For your sake, I hope they have good booze on Alderaan because I'm all out!" I sent him a message through the comm link. The last remark was meant to be a comical one, but I trully did hope they have good booze. Now weary from battle, I laid back in the pilot chair and began to stare at the controls on the ceiling. My eyes grew heavy, the controls began to blur, and then blackness.

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Assuming that they boarded the ship, he ran to the control room. He sat in the co-pilot's chair, punching in hyperspace routes and firing up the main repulsor engine. "Strap yourself in bud, this may be a bumpy ride." Merios fired up the ship and barely made it out of the small bay in one pieces. A turret on the top and the landing gear was knocked off as the doors closed. He punched in a few keys as the damaged parts closed and locked themselves off. He put it on autopilot and punched the hyperspace button. They were a long way from Alderaan, so might as well let it drive itself. He looked to Jacen, panting a little. A bit of annoyance in his eyes.

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Tradek my friend, for your bravery, I'll give you some Onderan willik juice, aged to pefection. I always keep a bottle or two as a payment for you. It is not the Jedi way but one must learn to accept all sentients, even ones that tend to get drunk my friend. Now sleep and dream a peaceful sleep and we will meet again on Alderaan Argus gently pushed into Tradek's mind. He had know Tradek well enough to know that he would need a peaceful sleep to be in any condition to talk to after a long hyperspace jump.

Sensing that Merios was being angry for entering his head, he instead turned his thoughts to Jacen, Revan instructed you? Did you follow him to war young one, like your brother, a good Jedi and a good friend?

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Some say that Revan was power and the Exile was different. The Exile walked the same path as Revan but separated after the Mandalorian wars. If you wish to know more, I will direct you on Alderaan. or now I am tired and must meditate.

Argus didn't say any more until he came out of hypersapce near Alderaan.

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The ship shot out of Hyperspace. "I've changed a little, yes. I was a Jedi Weapon Master back on Coruscant. I was on the Council. Since me leaving, I have been banned from Dantooine. I came to Alderaan to find out where my daughter was.. last I heard she was a mechanic there.." He typed in a few buttons. "You've let the Dark Side consume you. I sense much anger in you. And until you learn to control that anger, we will speak no longer." The ship landed on Alderaan's surface. And without a word, Merios stepped out of the ship and onto the landing pad, flipping up the hood of his robe and walking into the middle of the Entertainment district. 'There's a well known Cantina near here, in the Entertainment District. Meet me there, you know what i'm talking about. I'm sure Tradek(spelling?) does too,' he spoke into Argus's mind. He walked into the Cantina and sat in a small booth in the back. A small Jawa with chains around his feet came up to him. 'Giant want drink, food?' it said to him, looking up from under a dark maroon hood. Merios shook his head. "Waiting for a friend, sorry little one." The Jawa shuffled off.

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Jacen ran after Marios,"Marios I have not fallen to the dark side! Quit being such a stupid jedi and recognize that I'm not a sith. Do you really think if I had turned to the dark side you would be alive right now?" Marios kept walking "Ha! Didn't think so! See ya later.' Jacen turned around and walked towards a droid shop across the road.

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I woke up to a loud beeping noise. The ship had just exited hyperspace, and the computer was alerting me. There was Alderaan, said to be one of the most beatiful planets in the galaxy. I am not accustomed to a lush landscape, and extravagant blue oceans. But Nar Shadaa, that was a planet I was very fond of. Even if it is possibly the most grotesque planet in the galaxy, besides maybe Nal Hutta. The grouchy, irritable mood I was in soon faded when Merios declared we would be meeting in a cantina. Moments later I ship touched down in the public docking pay, and thanks to my previous encounter with the Rodian I was able to pay the fee.


I proceeded to the cantina that Merios had instructed. This cantina was for the upper class of Alderaan, not the kind I usually spent my time in, but it didn't matter. Usually it was the lower city cantina's that I attended, inhabited by the criminal underworld and scum of the galaxy. Immediately, without even thinking, I approached the front bar.


"Corellian Brandy, just leave the bottle!" I said it loudly and enthusiastically, attracting the attention of most in the bar. After noticing that Merios was in the back of the bar, I grabbed the bottle and a couple glasses then went to sit down with him.


"Hey, no hard feelings right!?" I said, relating back to the events on the Sith ship. I poured Brandy into two glasses and passed one to him. Merios didn't reply and just

stared at me coldy with his fingers crossed on the table.


"Have a drink, and don't worry, this one is on me..."

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He raised an eyebrow at the man without moving. He parted his hands and wrapped his fingers around the glass. He took a drink and sat it back down, leaning on the back of the seat. "So.. Any word from Argus yet?" He heard what Jacen said about Revan, but didn't care too much. For all he cared, Revan could take his ideals and shove them up his own loading ramp. He took a drink and set the glass down on the table. The Jawa that saw him earlier gave him a dirty look with his beady red eyes then turned around and started servicing another table.

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"Revan! What are you doing here?" "I'm sorry son but I'm definately not Revan." " But you have to be!" "I'm sorry son but I'm not." Jacen grabbed revan and lifted him in the air. "I know you're Revan! Malak sent me to kill you. Now die!" Jacen activated his lightsaber and shover it through revan severing his spinal cord. Revan's eyes rolled back in his head as he took his last breath. "Jacen through him to the ground and spit on him. "Great jedi. Pshh." Jacen pulled out a comlink from his pocket. "Sortan, tell Malak revan is dead." Jacen put the comlink away. "Now to eliinate those jedi."

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"Argus? Well have I got some news for you!" Merios leaned forward, he was very eager to hear what I was about to say.


"Well, he talked to me in my head again. Don't mind it really, as long as he doesn't do it too much. Anyways, he's on his way to meet us right now." I told Argus. Then I realized he was still waiting for the "news", for we both knew he was on his way.


"Oh yeah, he's bringing a bottle Onderan willik juice! Now that's some quality booze I tell you. Very expensive, haven't had it since years! I guess I could share it with you." Merios leaned back again, telling from the expression on his face he was clearly irritated. I guess he didn't care much for the booze. Which in a way was good because I wouldn't have to share it with him.


(typo, whoops. For some reason i keep thinking argus is a girl. Because of her icon thing.)

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