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Kotor 3

Darth Beowulf

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He moved an arm towards the speeder bike, lifting it into the air and setting it ontop of a building gently with the Force. He glanced at her. "Are you planning to live like this always? You know, at any moment, this whole planet can come collapsing around our ears. Do you want to be there without me when that happens? Dying alone? Making me suffer for your stubborn hide?" He sighed. "Didn't think so.."

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Argus and I arrived at the ship, and we shoved the boy into the cargo hold.


"Alright Argus, I see that you still have matters to be attended to here on Alderaan. So I'll leave you too it, and I will take care of my own business. My comm link is on, so just call me when you are ready to leave, or if you manage to find yourself in a tight spot." I said with a smile.

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"I'll survive. I've lasted this long without your help and I'm not going to the darkside," Zoe was near tears but kept her face, "Just leave me alone!" and stormed to her bike.


Argus lifted his head as he was walking along the streets. He felt a sudden sadness and anger. He picked up the pace by commandeering a speeder. He gently sent a mental message, Merios, calm down, then to Zoe,Zoe, don't leave. I know you are hurting. Please

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"Because, frankly, it's easier to live with." He walked to her and kneeled down infront of her. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Your my daughter, and I love you, I always will," he said, his emotionless state faded into desperation. "Come on Zoe, i'm trying my hardest being a father *and* a Jedi. Which the two don't mix already.." He looked at her. "I'm not pressuring you, I just want you to come with me, travel with me. Learn with me. You would be a great asset, and we need all the help we can get. We've already had one betrayal.." He said, putting a hand under her chin and lifting it up gently. "Please..."

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"Oh yes Argus, no trouble at all. There's just some business I need to attend to." I said with a grin. Argus sighed, he knew that I always brewed trouble wherever I weant, and the business that I was about to take part in was quite unnecessary. He didn't protest though, figuring we could use the money.


I soon found myself in another cantina, shuffling my pazaak deck, about to play an intense match with a high roller. A lot of credits were on the line, but due to my previous battles and my inebration I felt invincible. On the up side though, I still had the bottle booze Argus gave me, so there was no need to order drinks.


The game of pazaak commenced, and I found myself in perilous position. At first I was winning, but he cought up, and it was down to the final round yet again.

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Zoe was still shedding tears when she answered, "I...I don't know if I want to be a Jedi but I can fix things and can handle a blaster. I'll come."

Argus had found Merios after leaving Tradek to his own business. He had been watching the confrontation between father and daughter and knew the rift between them. He tried to convince Zoe to go with Merios and he watched while she gave her response.

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Like usual I used a skifter to win the match. As I was gathered the money, the Alderaanian noble drew his blaster and aimed it at me.


"You cheated!" he shouted, as he fired a shot to my lower abdomen. Quickly, I grabbed the bottle of Onderon wilik juice and smashed it on the mans head, knocking him out cold. Soon after I regretted what I had done, I didn't regret cheating the man which resulted in me getting shot. I regretted smashing the bottle on his head, it was still half full, and that was some damn good booze.


I then realized to my surprise that the blaster shot hit right below where my armor ended, and there was a significant bleeding. I was still able to move, and the wound would not fatal, unless I don't get it treated soon. Better get out of here before the authorities find out. With haste, I grabbed the credits on the table and limped out of the private pazaak room then out the cantina while clutching my side.


"Argus, where are you? I got into a little tussle with a man at the cantina, it's no big deal though really." I said into the comm link. I've suffered worse injuries, this one shouldn't be a problem.

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Merios nodded and put an arm around her."Whatever, honey. As long as you're off his forsaken planet." He felt an echo in the Force. Strange. Only a Force sensitive who was injured could make such an echo. "Tradek's hurt." He said, handing Zoe to Argus. He Force sprinted to the Cantina and skidded near Tradek, lifting him up slightly. "You alright?" Tradek nodded and grinned, "Had worse bud." Merios smirked and put a hand over his wound, he concentrated as white particles appeared around his wound and Tradek's body was outlined in white, long streaks of silver spun around him as the wound sealed, as well as any other fatigue and wounds on his body. "Better?" He said, raising an eyebrow. That healing would have made Tradek feel totally refreshed.

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"You Jedi are always good for something. Thanks, I did not expect him to draw his blaster on me. Wasted a damn good bottle of booze too. But hey, I've managed to score us a good amount of credits, huh?" I said jokingly. Thankfully I had some Jedi friends to pull me out of a tight spot.


"I'm going to wait back at Argus's ship to lay low, the guy I knocked will probably be looking for me with more of his buddies. Don't worry, I don't think I'll be causing anymore trouble. My comm link will be open if you need me" Merios nodded, and I handed him a couple 100 credit chips from the sack that I just "won" back at the cantina. Least I could do for him saving my skin. I walked back to the ship and sat down in the pilot seat, waiting for when the rest of the crew would be ready to leave. The other bottle of booze Argus gave me sat on the floor, and I opened it up and began taking casual sips. "Smooth move back there Tradek, hope you learned your lesson." I said to myself outloud.

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Bob2 just beeped as it had accompanied Tradek from the cantina to the ship. Meanwhile Argus was actually taking his time in getting back to the ship with Zoe and asking about her. Zoe was speaking, "Dad trained me with basic training and I almost wanted to quit after he left but I kept it up. I devoted most of my time to fixing and building things."

Argus cocked a brow and said, "Maybe slicing into a few things?"

Zoe smiled, "That too. I guess I wanted to hate Dad but I couldn't well..."

"He's our father and you love him. Sometimes a way to show love is by being firm and criticizing. Merios may not always show it but he has a good soul, he just tends to be overemotional. Maybe this journey will patch things a bit?" and Argus pulled out his comlink and contacted Tradek, "I hope you learned your lesson my friend. We're heading back to the ship and making a course to Yavin IV. Prep the engines." He then used the Force to contact Merios We are leaving soon. Zoe and I are heading for the ship and we're taking off. Be ready.

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Little did they know, he was in for a world of pain. Keep the engines warmed up, i'm heading back now. He headed back towards the ship, but was instantly thrown aside by an invisible Force. Within seconds he realized who was there. He stood up, withdrawing his green double-bladed lightsaber and igniting it, twirling it over his head then resting it in a position under his right armpit.


Several Dark Jedi accompanied Darth Mure, a Miraluka Sith Lord. "Well well well, Merios.. it's nice to see you again.." He said, stepping towards Merios. With his Force sight, he could easily see the Force power streaming off of Merios. "What do you want with me?!" He said, tightening the grip on his Lightsaber's hilt.


"I want you to come with us," he said, gesturing as about ten Sith soldiers uncloaked, aiming their blaster rifles at him. He twirled his Lightsaber over his head and smirked, twirling it into an attack stance, 'Shii Cho', as they called it.


He jumped in the air as a volley of blaster shots flew towards him. He expertly deflected the shots away, occasionally hitting a soldier, wounding three. He landed and was immediately caught off guard as Darth Mure came at him with his saber. Merios managed to block the strikes until he struck vertically, slicing his double lightsaber in two. It didn't seem to affect the blades, as they were both resting underneath his forearms as the hilt was now separated into two single-bladed green Lightsabers. He blocked several strikes from the Sith before stopping his blade with Merios' right blade. He dropped that hilt and spun around the sith lord, grabbing the hilt again as the blades were still touching. He pulled back as he put his other hilt underneath the Sith Lord's chin, making a makeshift 'cross' as he pulled backwards towards the back of the Sith Lord (he was behind him now). He yanked hard before breaking the Sith Lord's balance and pulling him backwards. Merios let go once the two lightsabers had cut his face into four slices, as the pieces fell to the ground with a sickening plop.


He kicked the Sith Lord's lightsaber towards one of the Soldiers, as it was still ignited, and guided it with the Force. He pulled back with his mind as it de-ignited and slid into his cloak. He twirled his last two lightsabers and turned them off, dodging a hail of blaster shots as he Force sprinted towards the ship, several burnt holes, a bloody lip, and a large gash down his left leg (from falling the first time into a metal shard) were the marks of battle. He dove in and spun around a corner, into the ship. "CLOSE THE LOADING RAMP!" he shouted, stepping out into the open and withdrawing a lightsaber, deflecting blaster shots that would normally come inside and ricochet.

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Argus immediately fired up the turrets and began firing as he guided the ship out of the port. "Bob2 reverse thrusters by .2," and he made ready to jump into hyperspace.


Zoe saw her dad and said, "Dad, you're hurt! Come on, we're going to the medbay."


"Hold on we're going to make the jump into hyperspace," came Argus' voice from the cockpit.

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Merios shook his head and held onto a small latch as the loading ramp closed as the ship took off into hyperspace. Merios sighed a little and sheathed his sabers. "No need.. these are merely flesh wounds.." He said, walking to his quarters. "Tell them if they need me, i'll be in my quarters," he said to Zoe, limping to his room then settling in a meditation sit.

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"Yeah you can but not every Jedi is good at checking for infection," and with a strong grip, Zoe pulled Merios to the medbay and proceeded to run the scan.

"Besides, you're not the only one who can be stubborn. Argus can be too, he just doesn't show it."


Argus didn't have to watch the security cameras to know what was going on. he just smiled and sent a message through the Force, She's right Merios and it would do you some good to let others help you. It was one of those flaws of yours, your hubris, your pride

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"Always have. My father taught me as well as my mother," and Zoe went to work patching up her father. Argus was smiling in the cockpit, amused at the relationship between father and daughter. He sighed briefly before announcing, "We will be touching down at the Dantooine academy at 1700 hours. Tradek, make sure our prisoner is comfortable, the Jedi way not yours."

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(alright so ive been gone for a while. Got some teeth pulled out and a vacation.)


I sighed at Argus and headed down to where the prisoner was kept. He was on a floor sleeping. To wake him up, I gave him a slight kick to the stomach and poured a little bit of a rancid beverage on his face.


"Brought you a bottle of this Gamorrean booze to drink. Forgot to throw it away. Then here's some dried Kinarath meat. Enjoy!" I barked at him, while slamming the "refreshments" down on the floor next to him. The prisoner groaned at me, and I replied with a devious grin. Before he could curse at me, I was out of the room and sealed the door on my way out.

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