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Kotor 3

Darth Beowulf

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Tradek, I said the Jedi way, not yours *sighs*. Well just relax until Dantooine. Bob2 has a 'special' bottle for you. He's bringing it now. Just relax


Argus set the ship on autopilot through the hyperspace route and went to Merios' quarters with Zoe. He sat cross legged next to Merios and motioned to Zoe to sit in front of him. She complied out of respect for this strange Jedi who somehow knew how to stave of disaster at the last moment. After she had assumed her position Argus said gently, "Let us meditate and find one another through the Force," and he closed his eyes.

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The trip was beginning to bore me, and I found myself walking around the ship finding something to do. "Wonder what everybody else is doing." I said to myself. Soon I found Argus, Merios and his daughter (who didn't look that bad)...meditating in one of the ship compartments. A quick peak and I left them to it. Jedi always get cranky when you interrupt them during meditation with nothing of importance. "Jedi rubbish" I thought.


Just for the sake of having something to do, I decided it was just best to tune up my blasters and sharpen the wrist blade that would extend out of my right arm bracer. Bob2 soon brought me another bottle of Argus's booze and it brought a grin to my face. "Who needs meditation when you've got medication!" I said as a popped the cap off the bottle.

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Patience my friend. The time will come soon enough. Just let her find her way Argus sent before straightening up and saying gently, "We're coming upon Dantooine. I'm going to make ready," and he left towards the cockpit.

Zoe opened her eyes and lowered herself to the floor. She waited until Argus left to tell her father, "I like Argus. It's like he can see the galaxy in a way that I never knew before."

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((He's not that old! He's in his late 20's. He's not as old as Jolee Bindo, now that's old!))


Zoe stood up without the offered hand saying, "I didn't mean it like that. It's just I think he could help me with this Force stuff." She didn't mean to hurt her father's feelings by saying what she thought but her father's emotions were hard to read anyway so she didn't say anything further. Bob2 came whistling in beeping that they were coming out of hyperspace.


Argus was adjusting the course and prepared to cut the sublight engines. Dantooine came into view and brought memories of training and meditation with his old master Regus. He sighed a bit and guided the ship onto Dantooine towards the rebuilt enclave. With extreme efficiency, he put the ship down within the landing platform area. He called back to the crew, "We've arrived."

Then going to where Tradek was fast asleep from the 'sobering booze' he lightly placed a hand on Tradek's forehead and used his mind, Awaken

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((Meant that being a Grey Jedi takes alot out of you, have to not be either side, to fight both sides. So much power to go around, and Merios is just light, so it's not too complicated.))


He nodded to Zoe. "I wouldn't accept training from him. He knows neither side, he sees more Grey than Black, or White." He said, meditating again.

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He stayed where he was, not opening his mouth. He sensed something was on this planet, but he didn't speak of it. He wanted the Grey Jedi to fight a battle instead of behind the lines barking sarcastic insults. His Jedi instincts allowed him to sense the Dark Side more prevalent than any neutral Jedi.

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I awoke to see a blurr of Argus's back leaving the room and an empty bottle at my feet. Guess we are here at last. I gathered my things and strapped on some armor. Although there were some Jedi here, and it would probably be safe. I found the others in the common room getting ready.


"Hello, I'm assuming there is some Jedi business you are attending. I need to do something as well. Need to put these credits to use, and it won't be for pazaak. Trust me on this one. Just need to see an old friend, Adum Larp." They looked at me wondering what I was going to do. Better just tell them..


"He's an arms dealer, and I just won a bunch of credits on Alderaan. Don't worry, I'll be gone two hours tops."


(So has the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine been rebuilt and put back into use? And by the way, Adum Larp is an actual arms dealer from the game on Dantooine. But you probably already knew that.)

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((The ruins are still there but the Jedi have hidden there in rebuilt portions. I think.))


Argus looked at Tradek and asked quietly, "Could you wait just a moment? We need to bring Jacen to the council and you have better luck at handling him." Seeing that Tradek was determined to go to Adum Larp, he then said, "Never mind. Go but I must see the council. We shall leave him in the hold and the Jedi Watchmen will come for him. They are already here."

Argus then led the way off the ship quite aware of what Merios thoughts of him. He believed in doing things for the good of the galaxy. Sometimes things must happen for that to happen. He didn't notice Zoe until she stepped beside him and mentioned that while they were meditating, she felt like she did when her father first taught her the Force. Argus raised an eyebrow slightly but said, "Yes I know. It's a part of you and always has been. The choice was yours to continue using it or living your life on Alderaan. Life is filled with choices and it's a constant battleground to decide was is good and what is evil."

Zoe thought about it for a moment before replying, "That is true. I never thought of it like that."

Argus allowed himself a small smile, "You better stay with Merios. Otherwise he might want to chop off my head considering his temper."

Zoe replied, "You're right," and slowed her pace to match her father's. She didn't say anything as they made their way to the ruins of the enclave.

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"I'm sure the Jedi Watchmen can handle themselves. If not I could attach this remote detonated grenade on him, just to be sure." Argus shook his head. It wouldn't be neccessary. I walked off the ship and headed to where Adum Larp was. The Rodian was standing next to his speeder, out in the middle of Dantooine plains. Probably trying to find some peace. Maybe it was best that I could use some peace as well, in the Dantooine plains.


"Hello Adum. I need concussion\plasma grenades, ammunition, and that Aratech sniper rifle I've always been eyeing." Adum handed over the materials, and I gave him a good amount of credits for it. The next hour was spent shooting at Kath hounds and Kinarath roaming the plains. It brought me some good recreation and exercise, something that I needed. The locals found them to be a nuisance, so I guess the senseless butchery wasn't for nothing. Finally, I headed back to the Enclave and waited for the other to finish off their business.

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"How so Dad?" Zoe asked. She was staying in pace with her father obeying what Argus suggested. For some reason, she could sense that Argus, while a Jedi, was not well liked. She decided that it had to be his approach to life in the galaxy and it reflected in her father's controlled attitude towards him. They had arrived at the enclave. Argus touched a well hidden key pad to unlock and open the door. Inside they were greeted by one of the few masters who decided to stay on Dantooine rather than return to Coruscant.

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"Since the devastation here, several Sith have made their homes amongst the ruins. I don't know if any of them stayed after the re-construction. I feel a dark presence in this place, I don't wish to stay for long," he said, slowing down to the back of the three, taking in his surroundings.

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"You suspect too much my friend. I uderstand if you have betrayal issues," Argus said softly. He turned towards what served as a council chamber and began to walk there but not before he added, "True the Sith walked here but they were driven out. These Sith left a trace of themselves."

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"Do I? Perhaps it is the impression I am content on giving. What you sense are trace presences one I believe belonged to a Darth Bandon. I should know, I scoured the plains after the surface was grazed," Argus then tapped with his fore finger on the door. The small sound verberated on the door. A voice called to them to come in.


Zoe was rather impressed with the enclave despite the apparent damage it had taken. When Argus finished his speech and tapped on the door, she whispered to her father, "That is how people survived in the slums on Alderaan. Give an impression but have the true self hidden. It sounds weird but makes sense."

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Zoe found herself in a room surrounded by Jedi, some old and some young. She was surprised that there were many there. What she didn't know was that some came from a world not known to anyone save the Jedi. She was amazed at the calm collected feeling that overwhelmed her senses. Without her realizing it, she moved closer to Argus as if he would explain things.

Argus replied to Merios, "Some things can't be understood unless you live them. Not everything is one or the other." He greeted an elderly master and explained the situation in a strange language and the master replied in the same tongue. Argus knew that the group would be confused so he explained, "The enclave will give us shelter and Jacen will be kept under guard by the Jedi Watchmen. I will show you the way," and he led them through another set of doors that led to the rooms.

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"Forget this!" I can't just sit around like this. So I headed down to the nearest cantina to engage in drinking and conversation. Mostly they were all farmers, but it was still fun. I still had plenty of credits, and decided not to gamble. Taking into consideration what happened last time. Had myself a great time, while my Jedi companions were off "meditating" on matters.

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