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gas room


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just wondering if someone had ever made a module with the classic computer console where you can gas a room with a couple of spikes. i had a look at a_comp_gas.nss …what the heck are all that globals for?

// Globals
int intGLOB_1 = 0;
int intGLOB_2 = 1;
int intGLOB_3 = 2;
int intGLOB_4 = 3;
int intGLOB_5 = 4;
int intGLOB_6 = 5;
int intGLOB_7 = 6;
int intGLOB_8 = 7;
int intGLOB_9 = 8;
int intGLOB_10 = 9;
int intGLOB_11 = 10;
int intGLOB_12 = 11;
int intGLOB_13 = 12;
int intGLOB_14 = 13;
int intGLOB_15 = 14;
int intGLOB_16 = 15;
int intGLOB_17 = 16;
int intGLOB_18 = 17;
int intGLOB_19 = 18;
int intGLOB_20 = 19;
int intGLOB_21 = 1100;
int intGLOB_22 = (-6);
int intGLOB_23 = (-5);
int intGLOB_24 = (-4);
int intGLOB_25 = (-2);
int intGLOB_26 = (-1);
int intGLOB_27 = 0;

// Prototypes
void sub1(string stringParam1, float floatParam2, int intParam3);

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That thing confused me as well until stoffe explained it to me. The variables are from an include file, k_inc_utility in this case. The compiled scripts includes all the variable declarations from that file whether it uses them later on or not. The function sub1 is UT_GasRoom also found in k_inc_utility.

If you want to write your own script you don't need all those declarations. Just include k_inc_utility and use UT_GasRoom in the main() function like this:

#include "k_inc_utility"

void main() {
float fDelayGas = 1.5;
       int int1;

DelayCommand(fDelayGas, UT_GasRoom("comp_gas_0", 10.0));
DelayCommand(fDelayGas, UT_GasRoom("comp_gas_1", 10.0));

The source code for k_inc_utility can be found in scripts.bif along with comments what the different parameters do.

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