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  1. got a question, i am trying to mod the handmaiden sisters looks using pre-existing models and clothes. all i have succeded in doing so far is making them headless twilek asassins by editing the 2 lines in apperence.d2a. those lines mention P_HandsisterBB, and BD as well as P_HandmaidenBA. i can not find the Handsister files at all anywhere in the game files. so i was wondering if you could tell me what files i need to start things off? and where to find them?

  2. Very impressive! Maybe you could do some for my mod.. ;)



  3. Yep, I made it myself. I use the same avatar on Obsidian forums.


  4. Did you make your avatar? I did a double-take and had to check in kotortool to see if it's there.



  5. I'm with Devon on this one. You should definitely release this... perhaps even if you don't get it to look perfect. It will still look better than what is currently in the game.

  6. Glad to hear that you might release it. Good luck with smoothing out those models.

  7. I'm glad you liked it. I keep changing things as new ideas cross my mind, but I don't think there's much else I can do with that scene or the people in it, so maybe I will release it, as soon as I settle one thing that I'm asking about at HL.

  8. Have you thought of releasing the edits that were in your Battle of Telos vid? They're a marked improvement over what's normally in the game (I particularly liked the frigate outside the window by Carth), and I'm sure other people would feel the same way.

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